The Moral Society
Chapter 7


Sections of this chapter
The Triumph of Awareness
Overcoming Apathy
Finding the Protagonists
The Vulnerability of the Political Bureaucracies
Suitable Nations for Engendering an Ethical State
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
A Letter from Dr. Sakharov
The United States of America
The Protagonists
Political Campaigns
The Exploitation of Nations
The Last Chance

The previous chapter described the over-all structure of an Ethical State. It was shown to be a society which maximizes awareness in part by maximizing feedback. This is the antithesis of bureaucratic and ideological security. An Ethical State will force people to face reality. It will use constant feedback to make them fully aware of their own limitations. Currently this is something that the vast majority of the human race cannot abide. The problem is, therefore, how to bring about something that — at this time — almost no one wants, least of all the unethical persons in power. The solution lies in the nature of the evolutionary force.


The Triumph of Awareness

In the evolutionary process, competition leads invariably to the victory of the most aware. There may be individual setbacks along the way, but the overall pattern is the replacement of the least aware by the most aware. The pattern applies to species, subspecies of men, civilizations, political systems and political parties. Democracy triumphed over monarchy not only because it promised better feedback, but most of all because it had the adherence of the most-aware members of society. The same applies to the triumph of Communism over czarism in Russia and over a corrupt military dictatorship in China.

In the democracies the political parties with the largest numbers of highly aware persons inevitably obtain a monopoly of political power until their own corruption drives them from office. This was the case with the Republican Party in the United States from the time of Lincoln to the fall of Hoover. During its rise to power, the Republican Party almost totally pre-empted the allegiance of the American intellectual community. A similar phenomenon occurred to the Liberal Party in England from the time of Gladstone to the fall of Lloyd George. In both cases, the political bureaucracies which once included the most brilliant men in the respective lands became so corrupt that they caused enormous hardship to their people. The Liberal Party of England, according to Bertrand Russell and many historians, was responsible for involving England unnecessarily in World War I, thereby laying the foundations that made the Nazi holocaust inevitable.

The Republican Party had a virtual monopoly of power for many years after the Civil War and it soon became corrupt. The corruption diminished when some feedback was re-established by the end of Reconstruction and the new effectiveness of the Democrats. During the 1920'S, the Republican "do-nothing" policies of laissez-faire capitalism brought about the Great Depression.

Since the Depression, the Democratic Party in the United States has had a virtual monopoly on the allegiances of the American intellectual community. Its power has been equally disproportionate. The corruption of the Democratic Party had its ultimate expression in the Vietnam War which has, in many ways, been a disaster greater than the Great Depression. In domestic issues, the Democratic Party has become a captive of leftist, bureaucratic ideology which threatens in time to bring about almost equally destructive consequences (e.g., the Revolt Against Reason ) . The intellectual community is beginning to abandon the Democrats, but it has no place to go. Most intellectuals are merely dropping out and becoming hedonists.

The same pattern is repeated in every country where political parties exist. Political success is guaranteed by obtaining the allegiance of the overwhelming majority of the most highly-aware persons, even though they may constitute only a small percentage of the electorate. In some countries, such as France, the community of highly-aware persons is split ideologically along the Left-Right continuum. In France, there are also a larger number of effective political parties than in the more fully developed (i.e., politically bureaucratized) democracies of America' England, or Sweden. Therefore, in France no single party commands a clear majority of the best minds.


Overcoming Apathy

The most common phenomenon in all democracies is that found in the U.S. today. The most-aware persons find politics so distasteful that they eschew political involvement altogether in favor of their personal pursuits. A stable bureaucracy makes this possible. This causes a general decrease in the quality of political life which causes still more highly aware persons to abandon politics. Eventually the political bureaucracies become total captives of the most mendacious members of the Immoral Community. The bureaucracies receive virtually no feedback from the Moral Community. This is the predominant picture in all the democracies. In the Communist countries the political bureaucracies, once established, become far more corrupt than in the democracies since they have even less feedback.

The problem of establishing an Ethical State in any nation is, therefore, the problem of organizing a nucleus of highly-aware persons dedicated to the ethical expansion of total awareness for the entire human race. This nucleus must have a critical mass of persons and will probably have to work within the framework of the existing parties, although it may be more effective in some cases to create a completely new political party around the nucleus. This, after all, is the way it has always been with the introduction of any radically new political system.

The masses are inherently conservative even when they are oppressed and miserable, to say nothing of when they are affluent. They are motivated almost entirely by their desire for security and happiness. They are more fearful of losing what they already have than they are desirous of improving their condition. Historically, the inertia of the masses is overcome only by the collective will and intelligence of a small, dedicated minority of highly aware revolutionaries determined to change the social order. Such was the case in the American, French, Russian, and Chinese revolutions. The same process occurred under more peaceful conditions when the Liberal Party in England and the Socialist Party in Sweden brought about radical social reforms under a more gradual process of change. But in all cases, the will of a dedicated, highly-aware minority always triumphs, no matter how much entropic inertia the masses may have or how powerful the entrenched forces of reaction appear.

There is no force in the world stronger than a group of ethical, highly aware men organized and dedicated to accomplish an objective consistent with the evolutionary force. The problem is how and where to engender a critical mass of ethical persons who may become deliberate players of the Game of Life. These persons shall be called protagonists.


Finding the Protagonists

The engendering of an Ethical State and the creation of a Moral Society will be a long and complex process of evolution. Just as the evolution of any new life form begins with only a few mutations ( sometimes only one), so will the evolution of an Ethical State begin with the few mutations of highly-aware persons who are transformed into deliberate players of the Game of Life. A critical mass of highly-aware Protagonists is clearly a necessary condition for engendering an Ethical State; it may even be a sufficient condition. The first problem to be solved is for the Protagonists to identify and find one another.

The most highly-aware persons in our society are generalists who have also developed depth in some aspects of science and technology. These men were typified in the recent past by John von Neumann, Norbert Wiener, Lev Landau and Erwin Schroedinger. These men and their peers were all ethical; but they played The Game of Life because it was fun, not because it was important. They were not deliberate players. They were in a sense all apolitical. This does not mean that they did not have political opinions. In one way or another, all these men were involved in political protest during their lives. However, protest is the least effective way of controlling the environment. It is a secondary rather than a prime event. Because these men were more interested in the pleasure of expanding their personal awareness than in fulfilling their duty to the entire human race, as a group they inadvertently strengthened the Immoral Community and contributed to the further bureaucratization of the sciences. They had an abundance of personal morality, but little social morality. Yet these men represent the best that the human race has to offer. They were all ethical men. Their failing came from not deliberately playing the Game of Life. They were not Protagonists.

This is a failing that can only be overcome by becoming fully aware of the Game of Life, the evolutionary process, bureaucratization, ideology, ethics, the Ethical State and the Moral Society. When generalists become aware of all these factors, their inter-relationships, and most of all, the possibility for effective action, then they can deliberately begin to change the world and start an Ethical State. In order for this to occur, they must cease being apolitical. The turning of generalists into political activists will be made possible by a new evolutionary phenomenon.

Throughout human history, the overwhelming majority of mankind has been concerned only with its personal happiness and security. Today there is a new type of human in our midst. Teilhard de Chardin called him Homo progressivus. Homo progressivus differs from Homo sapiens in being deeply concerned with the future of man. He has this concern because he perceives directly that human progress is a reality. He sees that the total awareness of mankind has increased and can continue to increase. Homo progressivus is mankind being made moral. He is mankind being transformed into Homo moralensis — moral man — the engenderer of the Moral Society.

The identification of the Protagonists who will form the first critical nucleus of the Ethical State is therefore relatively easy. They are the community of moral men and ethical children. They are the persons who continue to increase awareness. The problem of bringing them together and motivating them is much more complex, because the incipient Protagonists are uncertain of what to do. They all agree that the current state of affairs is intolerable, but they cannot agree on specific alternatives.

Ethical persons are not concentrated in any particular sector of society. They are more or less uniformly distributed throughout the Moral Community. Wherever they are, however, they are relatively isolated within a milieu of more specialized, but still ethical scientists and artists.

In the United States, at any one time, no more than ten thousand — perhaps as few as one thousand - generalists with depth are directly and solely responsible for all the inventions, discoveries, developments and science which give momentum to the entire nation. Almost all the creative energy of the Moral Community is misused, to increase the entropy of the society by 1) making it less and less necessary for people to think and 2) by developing the technology which makes it possible for scientifically illiterate bureaucrats to entrench themselves. The generalists either directly or indirectly work to support the political bureaucracies of the Immoral Community. It seems they can predict and control all aspects of the environment except the psychosocial. They feel frustrated and hopeless in the face of the legal-minded technicians of the Immoral Community. This frustration must be channeled into creative action if an Ethical State is to be created.

The Protagonists may therefore be identified as ethical children and generalists with technical depth and imagination. They are diffused throughout the Moral Community. They produce the motive power for the entire world, but they seem helpless in competing with immoral men for control of the psychosocial environment. They will be motivated to play the Game of Life deliberately only when they see some hope of defeating the entrenched political bureaucracies of the Immoral Community.


The Vulnerability of Political Bureaucracies

The political bureaucracies are extremely vulnerable because the leadership is ignorant of everything except the rules of bureaucratic intrigue. The political bureaucracies are completely dependent on the Moral Community for guidance whenever they wish to be effective in the physical or biological environment and/or creative in the psychosocial environment. However, the Moral Community is not really dependent on the political bureaucracies for anything. The scientists, and to a lesser extent the artists, somehow have been conditioned over the last one hundred years to believe that they cannot function unless they placate the political bureaucracies. However, this is an illusion fostered by the Immoral Community in its attempt to domesticate the Moral Community. All the true wealth, the machines, the processes, the inventions, the art, and the science which make it possible for ever fewer men to predict and control ever greater parts of the total environment, all this is produced entirely by the Moral Community. It is the intellect of the Moral Community and the natural resources that are the wealth of society. Furthermore, the latter are valueless without the former. The Moral Community does not need the Immoral Community in any way. Without the support of the Moral Community, the effectiveness of the Immoral Community would disappear completely if it were not for its complete control of the political bureaucracy.

In democratic countries, monopoly over the political bureaucracy does not present a serious problem, but in Communist countries it may prove an insurmountable obstacle. Since in Communist countries there is no internal competition or feedback to the political bureaucracy, any attempt by the Moral Community to autonomize itself would be seen as an intolerable threat and would be instantly suppressed by force. Therefore, the only way to eliminate the entrenched Communist political bureaucracies from within is by deliberately speaking the truth. This course of action is not only unlikely to succeed in a police state, it will also be extremely dangerous to those who attempt it. For this reason, an Ethical State will almost certainly first start in a democratic country. However, there will always be the possibility that a Communist state mutates into an Ethical State.

In the democracies, it would be extremely easy for the very few effective generalists simply to withdraw all their support from the entrenched political bureaucracies and to refuse support to the Immoral Community. This would result in having their research funds cut off, but these are replaceable within the capitalist system. They would still have most of their time free to pursue whatever scientific or artistic interest is currently occupying them. Above all, they would have the time and the freedom to begin engendering an Ethical State and driving the political bureaucrats from office. If, for example, the thousand most-aware persons in the United States pool their talents in a determined, disciplined manner, they could in two or at the most three years command resources worth billions of dollars. The money can then be used ethically to beat the Immoral Community at its own game of winning elections. This can be done by disseminating truth with even greater skill and resourcefulness than the political bureaucrats use in deceiving the electorate.

The current political bureaucracies are motivated solely by power. There are no selfless politicians. Indeed, there may not even be any ethical politicians. The voters sense this and are searching for a fresh political approach, as the current political history of the United States demonstrates. The people have shown that they are willing to support almost anyone who challenges the status quo so long as he does not violate popular prejudices. The electorate senses the corruption of the political bureaucracies.

What the electorate is not aware of is that the corruption is due to the fact that political decisions are never made on the basis of what course of action will best serve to increase man's total awareness — they are always unethical means, never ethical ends. If political decisions had an ethical basis, the United States would not be supporting corrupt dictatorships all over the world solely because it is politically expedient.

The greatest weakness of all political bureaucracies within the democracies (to say nothing of the Communist countries) is that they are intellectually and morally bankrupt. Their own corruption has driven almost all persons with even a pretense of ethical behavior from their ranks. They can generate neither new ideas nor programs. They react to events and repeat old slogans, cliches, and ideologies already disproved by time. They are the avatar of the banality of evil. The political bureaucracies should, therefore, be defeated by the onslaught of a vigorous, well-financed political campaign directed by the most-aware, dedicated members of society. The problem at this time is to concentrate resources in order to strike at the political bureaucracies where they are most vulnerable and in a place where one can be most effective. First the proper nation to engender an Ethical State must be found.


Suitable Nations for Engendering an Ethical State

In order for a nation to serve as a suitable base for engendering and expanding an Ethical State it must 1) have critical mass, and 2) not have its entropy so high that it can no longer produce a large number of deliberate players of the Game of Life.

A nation has critical mass when 1) it is impossible for any other nation to attack it without, in effect, committing suicide and 2) its population is sufficiently large and varied that it can absorb the rest of humanity. A nation has reached the point of entropic no return when it is an immoral society. A symptom of an immoral society is that it no longer advances human awareness in any field of art, science or technology. Countries approaching this high level of entropy may be found in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Some European countries, such as Spain, Portugal and Albania are probably close to the entropic point of no return. At the opposite pole are the nations with critical or almost critical mass which are still expanding their awareness. Most notable among these are the United States, the Soviet Union, and Japan.

A possibility exists that a United States of Europe would revitalize the declining European civilization and create a new force in the world. It is more likely, however, that Charles de Gaulle permanently stifled European unity in its cradle. Bureaucracy, ethnocentrism, and hedonism are further increasing the entropy of Europe. A dismembered Europe can only continue its entropic decline. It does not have critical mass. The only other nation with the incipient critical mass and vitality to engender an Ethical State is China.



China is remarkable in that it is a nation which has made very little progress for thousands of years, yet (unlike India) it has not undergone significant entropic decline. China has succeeded in doing what almost never happens in nature — it has virtually stood still. At the same time the vitality of the Chinese people has not declined. The Chinese can go to any country and they immediately become successful entrepreneurs, scientists, and technologists. They can progress everywhere except in their own country. The cause for this phenomenon lies in the basic structure of Confucianism.

Confucianism is probably the most sophisticated politico-philosophical system that has yet been practically implemented. Confucianism, like Judaism, is another variation on the Game of Life. It stresses rules of conduct as opposed to ideological beliefs. It places the highest value on knowledge as opposed to personal power. It formalized a testing process analogous to that of an Ethical State thousands of years ago in order that the most knowledgeable would become the most powerful. Indeed, this testing technique served as a model for all the European Civil Services. Yet it failed.

The failure of Confucianism was due not to what it was but to what it was not. Confucianism had everything except scientific method. Classical China was like an Ethical State without science, and as such, it could not help but stagnate. In the absence of scientific method, the authoritarian teachings of the past became enshrined as repositories of all wisdom. Chinese scholars would spend many years memorizing the opinions of the past instead of confronting nature directly and attempting to learn from experience. This inhibited the feedback in the system, and bureaucratization in time destroyed the society but not the vitality of the people. Only ideology destroys the individual vitality of persons by destroying personal morality.

Confucianism, like Judaism, served for thousands of years as a buffer against ideology. In the end, however, the complete bureaucratic corruption of a military dictatorship made it possible for a vigorous, dedicated group of Communist ideologues to achieve complete control over China. Today the Communist ideologues are trying to do to the Chinese people what thousands of years of Buddhist, Moslem, and Christian missionaries could not do — make them ideological. The deep-seated Confucian traditions of skepticism, which are ethically superior to Marxist ideology, may continue to keep the Chinese masses from succumbing to ideology until the Communist political bureaucracy becomes sufficiently corrupt to lose its concern ideology and becomes totally absorbed with bureaucratic security, as is the case in the Soviet Union. If scientific method has not been completely stifled in the meantime, then there is a possibility that the vigorous and talented Chinese people may engender an Ethical State.

The Chinese have even passed the evolutionary test of completely absorbing the few thousand Jews who began settling in China after the Roman persecutions. The Jews and the Chinese had much in common. The Confucian ethical traditions of tolerance and skepticism made the absorption of the ancient Chinese Jews inevitable. By the end of the eighteenth century, the Chinese Jews who had their cultural center in Kai Feng Fu (Kaifeng) had essentially been completely assimilated and were indistinguishable from other Chinese. The most illustrious Chinese-Jewish families were descendants of the fifteenth century Jewish court physician, Yen Cheng, who had the surname Chao confirmed on him by the Chinese emperor. The assimilated Jews became mandarins and land owners, but they together with China continued to sleep. A new wave of Jewish immigrants began to come to China in the mid-nineteenth century, but even at their peak in World War II they only numbered about 26,000. Since the Communist takeover in 1949, the more recent Jewish immigrants have almost all left China.

In the long run, it is inconceivable that the immoral, highly insecure political bureaucracy in the Soviet Union will allow the Chinese to develop full critical mass, let alone engender an Ethical State. The Soviets will almost certainly attack or otherwise disrupt China before China becomes a serious threat to them. The Soviet Union will impede an Ethical State in China. The question then becomes whether the Soviets can engender an Ethical State.


The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

[Web-note: As you read this section, keep in mind that this book was written almost 30 years ago, long before the breakup of the Soviet Union.]

The Soviet Union meets most of the requirements for engendering an Ethical State. She has critical mass and a large number of highly-aware persons who are probably already disposed toward an Ethical State. She also has a large number of Jews who have catalyzed her to world power. The Soviet Union only has one drawback which is constantly becoming worse: that is, the most rigid, all-embracing, corrupt bureaucracy in history The Soviet bureaucracy is structured to serve the now anti-Semitic political bureaucracy of the Communist Party, which enjoys a total monopoly of political power. The Communist Party will ruthlessly and brutally suppress any internal or external threat to its ideology or hegemony. The external suppression of threats has been inhibited only by the overwhelming power of the United States. However, as the relative decline of the United States continues, we can expect the Soviet Union to take an increasingly more aggressive role in suppressing external threats to its bureaucratic security.

This has already happened in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. It will almost certainly happen again in China and Israel. When the United States become isolationist again, as it almost certainly will if an Ethical State is not started, the Soviet Union will try to subject every nation to its bureaucratic rule. Only when the Communist Party bureaucracy can suppress freedom of speech and expression with the same ease in other countries as they do in their own, will they feel secure from negative feedback.

The only way to defeat the Soviet Communist Party from within is for large numbers of highly-aware Soviet generalists and ethical persons to infiltrate the Communist Party deliberately, in order to overcome it by simply telling the Soviet people the truth. The Soviet Protagonists can identify their natural allies by the totality of their awareness. They must be mistrustful of highly-specialized persons and scientific illiterates. The Protagonists must work cautiously and selflessly to make sure that all the important positions in the Party hierarchy go only to ethical persons. Eventually there may be sufficient ethical persons in the Party hierarchy for them to attempt a consolidation of all power in their hands. They would then have to eliminate very quickly all the security-seeking and power-seeking Communist bureaucrats, who would be in the majority, before the latter could reconsolidate their power. Once the Protagonists had defeated the Communist Party bureaucracy and consolidated all power in their hands, it would be very easy for them to implement the constitution and the infrastructure of an Ethical State. An Ethical State is completely compatible with the theoretical goals of Communism if not with its unethical methods. The existence of an Ethical State in the Soviet Union would stimulate the creation of Ethical States in all the other Communist countries as well as in the democracies until a single ethical world government existed.

That the Soviet Union has the potential for an ethical revolution from within is demonstrated by the amazingly courageous activities of Dr. A. D. Sakharov of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Sakharov has for several years almost single-handedly been waging a war against the Soviet bureaucracy. It is difficult to assess his successes, but there is little question that he has at least created some feedback within the Soviet bureaucracy. This feedback is best illustrated by the following letter which he co-authored to the Soviet leadership:


A Letter from Dr. Sakharov

Deeply Esteemed Leonid Ilyich [Brezhnev], Aleksei Nikolayevich [Kosygin], Nikolai Viktorovich [Podgorny] (Reprinted by permission. Copyright Newsweek, Inc. April 13, 1970):

In the course of the past decade, menacing signs of breakdown and stagnation have been discovered in the economy of our country . . . Comparing our economy with that of the U.S., we see that ours lags not only in quantitative but also — saddest of all — in qualitative respects. We surpass America in the mining of coal, but we lag behind in oil drilling, lag very much behind in gas drilling and in the production of electric power, hopelessly lag behind in chemistry and infinitely lag behind in computer technology. As for the use of computers in the economy . . . a phenomenon that has deservedly been called the second industrial revolution . . . here the gap is so wide that it is impossible to measure it. We simply live in another epoch .

At the end of the 1950’s our country was the first to launch a sputnik and it sent a man into space. At the end of the INTROS we lost our lead and the first men to land on the moon were Americans . . . The second industrial revolution began, and now at the beginning of the 1970’s we can see that not only did we not catch up with America but that the gap between the two countries is becoming greater and greater.

What is the matter? Why was it not our country that took the initiative in the second industrial revolution? Why were we unable to be on a par with the most developed capitalist countries?

The source of our difficulties is not the socialist structure. On the contrary, it lies in those peculiarities and conditions of our life that run contrary to socialism and are hostile to it. This source is the antidemocratic traditions and norms of public life that appeared during Stalin's period and have not been completely liquidated at the present time . . .

There is no doubt that, with the beginning of the second industrial revolution, these phenomena have become a decisive economic factor. Problems of organization and management cannot be solved by one or several individuals who have power. They demand the creative participation of millions of people on all levels of the economic system. But in the process of exchanging information we are facing difficulties that cannot be overcome. Real information on our faults and negative phenomena is kept secret because it may be used by hostile propaganda. Exchange of information with foreign countries is restricted on the ground of penetration of hostile ideology. Theoretical conceptions and practical proposals which may seem to be too bold are suppressed immediately without any discussion under the influence of fear that they may break the foundations.

Under these conditions only those who in their words display staunchness for the cause of the party but in reality are concerned with their personal interest and not those who are really possessed of professional qualities can move upward. Restrictions in the exchange of information make difficult any kind of control over the leadership and frustrate the people's initiative, and even those leading the intermediate administrations are deprived of rights and information. The top administrators receive incomplete, falsified information and thus cannot exercise their power completely . . .

Our economy can be compared to traffic entering a crossroads. While there were few cars, traffic police could handle it quite easily. But once the number of cars became greater one can see a traffic jam. What can be done in this situation? Drivers can be fined or policemen changed. But the only way out is to make the crossroads wider. The obstacles that prevent the development of our economy can be found outside it, in the political and public field, and all measures that cannot eliminate these obstacles will inevitably be ineffective . . .

Freedom of information and creative labor are necessary for the intelligentsia due to the nature of its activities, due to the nature of its social function. The desire of the intelligentsia to have greater freedom is legal and natural. The state, however, suppresses this desire by introducing various restrictions, administrative pressure, dismissals and even the holding of trials. This brings about a gap, mutual distrust and a complete mutual lack of understanding, which makes it difficult for the state and the most active strata of the intelligentsia to cooperate fruitfully. In the conditions of the present-day industrial society, where the role of the intelligentsia is growing, this gap cannot but be termed suicidal.

A greater part of the intelligentsia and our youth realizes the necessity of democratization, realizes the necessity of cautious and gradual approaches to this problem, but it cannot understand or justify actions of a purely anti-democratic nature. How can one justify the imprisonment or keeping in camps and mental asylums of persons whose opposition is still within the legal field, in the field of ideas and convictions? It is impermissible to keep writers in prison for their work. One has to come back again to ideological problems.

Democratization and complete information must bring back to our ideological life its dynamics and creative nature and liquidate the bureaucratic, dogmatic, hypocritical style which is so important now. Democratization would eliminate the gap between the party and state apparatus and the intelligentsia. Mutual lack of understanding will turn into close cooperation. The best intellectual forces of the country will be mobilized for the solution of social and economic problems.

Democratization is not an easy process. Its normal progress will be threatened by individualist and anti-socialist forces on the one hand and on the other hand by those who advocate strong power, by those who use demagogical statements of the Fascist type and who may try to use our economic difficulties for their own purposes. But there is no other way out. Democratization at the initiative and under the control of the highest authorities will allow this process to proceed gradually, to make all links of the party and state apparatus change to the new style of open discussion . . . We propose the following program of measures which may be taken within the next four or five years:

A statement from the highest party and government authorities on the necessity of further democratization, on its rate and methods. Publication in the press of a number of articles on the problems of democratization.

Restricted distribution (through party and state organs) of information on the state of the country and of theoretical work on public problems. Later this type of material ought gradually to be made available to everyone.

Establishment of an institute for the study of public opinion with initially restricted but eventually complete publication of material showing the attitude of the population to the most important problems of internal and external policy.

An end to the jamming of foreign broadcasts. Free sale of foreign books and periodicals. Admission of our country to the international copyright system. Gradual expansion of international tourism. Unrestricted international correspondence and other measures for the expansion of international contacts.

Amnesty for political prisoners. Compulsory publication of complete records of trials of political nature. Public control over the places of imprisonment and political asylums.

Other measures to facilitate the operation of courts and procurators' offices [and to insure] their independence from the executive power, local influences, prejudice and connections.

Elimination of the [ethnic] nationality designation in passports [used within the Soviet Union]. Gradual elimination of [such domestic] passport registration.

Organization of industrial associations with a high degree of independence in the problems of industrial planning and production processes, in sales and supplies, finances and personnel.

Reforms in the field of education. Greater allocation for primary and high schools. Improvement of the material positions of teachers, with greater independence and the right to experiment . . .

Gradual introduction of the nomination for election of several candidates for a single party or government post.

Extension of the rights and responsibilities of the [Parliament].

Restoration of the rights of all nationalities forcibly resettled under Stalin. Restoration of the national autonomy of the resettled nations . . .

Of course, this plan must be regarded as approximate. We emphasize that democratization in itself does not solve economic problems. Some times we hear our foreign friends comparing the Soviet Union to a powerful lorry, whose driver is accelerating with one foot, and at the same time applying the brake. The time has come to brake more sensibly . . . We must also consider the international consequences of democratization if it is adopted by our country . . . The attractiveness of Communist ideology will grow, and our international position will become more secure . . .

In the past there occurred negative phenomena in Soviet foreign policy, which had the character of excessive messianic ambition and which force one to conclude that not only the imperialists bear responsibility for international tension.

All negative phenomena in our foreign policy are closely connected to the problem of democratization, and this connection has a two-sided character. Great disquiet is caused by the absence of democratic discussion of such questions as arms aid to a number of countries, including, for instance, Nigeria, where a bloody civil war was in progress whose causes and course are quite unfamiliar to the Soviet public. We are convinced that the resolution of the U.N. Security Council on the problems of the Arab Israeli conflict is just and reasonable, although also not concrete enough in a number of important points. However, disquiet is caused by the question: Does our position not go substantially further than thus document? Is it not too one-sided? Is our position regarding the status of West Berlin realistic? Is it always realistic for us to strive to extend our influence in places far from our borders at a time of difficulties in Sino-Soviet relations and in technical-economic development . . .

What awaits our country if a course toward democratization is not taken? Falling behind the capitalist countries in the process of the second industrial revolution and gradual transformation into a second-rate provincial power. (History knows similar cases.) . . . The prospect becomes particularly menacing if one considers the presence of a danger from Chinese totalitarian nationalism. We can face this danger only if we increase or at least maintain the technological and economic gap between our country and China, increasing the numbers of our friends in the world at large and offering the Chinese people the alternative of cooperation and aid. Thus, economic stand-still, slowing up of the rate of development in combination with an insufficiently realistic and a sometimes too ambitious foreign policy, may lead our country to catastrophic consequences.

There is no way out of the difficulties facing the country except a course toward democratization carried out by the party in accordance with a carefully worked out program . . . At present we have a chance to take the right road and carry out the necessary reforms. In a few years, perhaps, it will be too late.

NEWSWEEK, April 13, 1970

That Sakharov has survived such courageous activity is due only to his eminence as a scientist and his politically powerful position as the principal developer of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. Apparently, Kapitza has played a similar role in Soviet society for many years.

It is highly unlikely that Sakharov and his colleagues will succeed. In the end, they will almost certainly be arrested and have their intellects destroyed in the Soviet "insane asylums." The Soviet Union may be reaching the irreversible entropy of an immoral society. The only hope lies in an ethical revolt within the Communist Party by the most highly aware members of the Soviet society.

The probability of this occurring is very low. The highly-aware generalists in Russia find the Communist Party utterly repulsive. The Communist Party bureaucrats, like all successful bureaucrats, have an instinctive distrust and dislike of highly-aware (i.e., ethical) persons. They know at the unconscious level that any ethical person is a serious threat to their bureaucratic security. They provide negative feedback as typified by the Sakharov letter. The dangers and repulsiveness of bureaucratic intrigue, together with the easy satisfaction of purely scientific, non-political research, will strongly mitigate against an Ethical State being initially engendered in the Soviet Union. This leaves only the United States and Japan as possible initiators of Ethical States.



Japan is perhaps the most vital nation in the world. Tile Japanese have been a remarkably progressive people for over a century. During the latter part of the nineteenth century (the Meiji Era) the Japanese accomplished a feat which has never been equaled in the history of the human race. They took a backward, feudalistic, largely-illiterate nation with no modern scientific or technological base, poor in natural resources, and transformed it into a modern fully-industrialized nation in less than thirty years! Any nation capable of such a prodigious feat should also be capable of engendering an Ethical State.

Today, twenty-five years after suffering total defeat in World War II, Japan has the most vigorous industrial system in the world and a first class educational establishment. There is little doubt that, at its present rate of progress, Japan could be the most aware nation in the world in thirty years. Yet Japan seems to be missing a certain vital spark which must be present in order to catalyze the ultimate Moral Society.

Japan is the third-largest industrial power in the world but she ranks a low sixth after the United States, Russia, Britain, France and Germany in various indices of scientific accomplishment. Japan is a perfecter of technology rather than a technological innovator. Indeed, this goes back to classical times when Chinese civilization (Confucianism, Zen Buddhism, etc.) reached its fullest expression in Japan not China. Similarly today, any device first produced by Western Civilization, whether it be cameras, machinery, or electronic circuits, finds its most efficient expression in Japan. This is due not only to the lower cost of Japanese labor but to the ingenuity of the Japanese for perfecting the inventions of others. But the Japanese do not produce anything truly new themselves. One of their major technological innovations, the tunnel diode, was merely a spin-off of solid-state electronics developed in the United States. The tunnel diode has since been surpassed by other new technologies in micro-miniaturization of electronics. The Japanese seem incapable of setting out on fundamentally new paths of intellectual development by themselves. This may not always be the case but it is the case right now. It may be that what Japan lacks is a propensity to break with established patterns of thought and to look at things in a fundamentally new light, i.e. the catalysis of the Jews.

Further complicating the engendering of an Ethical State in Japan is the fact that the Revolt Against Reason has reached its most pernicious level in the Japanese universities. The militant ideologues of the Left are creating such chaos in Japanese universities that the expansion of awareness has almost completely stopped. The bureaucratization of the democratic infrastructure has reached a particularly destructive stage within Japan and threatens to push the entropy of Japan beyond the point of no return. This is manifesting itself in a hedonistic decline of the population and the inroads made into the intellectual community by leftist ideology. Perhaps most serious of all, however, is the Japanese penchant for compulsive perfection which causes an inordinately large number of persons to become highly specialized. This produces superb machinery and craftsmen, but it makes persons narrowly aware as opposed to broadly aware. In the long run, it increases the entropy of the system to the point where engendering an Ethical State does not seem feasible.

The Japanese are a dynamic, vigorous people and under outside pressure they have reversed their way of life before. They may still be the ones to engender an Ethical State if some new elements are introduced into their culture.

In the final analysis, the Japanese people seem too ethnocentric and specialized to serve as the basis for an Ethical State which will unite all of humanity. In spite of all its defects and problems, only the United States has shown itself willing and able to unite highly diverse peoples in a single progressive culture. At this time only the United States seems likely to engender an Ethical State.


The United States of America

The United States has critical mass and is still the most powerful nation on Earth. It has assimilated by far the largest number of free Jews of any nation and, for that matter, the largest number of all nationals and races. It is the most progressive and least bureaucratized major nation on Earth. It is a nation which still has enormous feedback. No other nation in history has been so effective in uniting so many diverse people. The unity of the nation is being destroyed by 1) an indecent leadership; 2) the Revolt Against Reason and 3) racism on the part of both Whites and Blacks. Yet no other nation offers as much hope.

The United States is a nation which was structured at its inception to evolve into something better than it was. The Founding Fathers with their remarkable insight saw that corruption was an inevitable consequence of power and that the only way to counter corruption was by competition and a system of checks and balances, i.e., high feedback. They accordingly gave the United States a flexible and changeable constitution with a democratic government and a capitalistic industry. The Ethical State represents the natural evolution of the United States to its next logical form.

What the Founding Fathers could not see was that bureaucratization and ideology would eventually permeate the entire society and that the personal corruption which they most feared would, in time, be a far lesser threat than the bureaucratic and ideological corruption which would paralyze the government leaders and deprive them of feedback. Eventually only unethical persons capable of functioning without scientific feedback, legal-minded bureaucrats, would become leaders and they would further increase the entropy of the society by making all decisions on the basis of political expediency rather than logical and scientific analysis of how best to achieve the goals and purposes of the nation. No one would take the political risks to educate the electorate. Instead most politicians would find it expedient to cater to the prejudices and ideological biases of the masses.

The American electorate can and will change the trend of entropic decline only if it is given clear and purposeful leadership. This leadership can only come from moral men. It is the responsibility of all persons to see that moral men achieve political office. There is no other way to reverse the decline of the United States. All other activities and desires must be subordinated to electing moral men to positions of leadership.

If the most-aware persons in society do not have the courage to risk their bureaucratic security and the stamina to wage a political struggle to the death with the Immoral Community, they will betray the future of the entire human race. They will, by unethical default, make the bureaucratic and ideological descent into total entropy the inevitable future of all humanity.

It is a sad state of affairs that in the United States political issues are settled not on the basis of logic and reason but on the basis of which advocate can muster the most convincing propaganda. The political campaigns of the past, together with the entertainment media, have conditioned the electorate not to think or analyze but to respond solely to catchy slogans which appeal directly to their most irrational prejudices and blind desires for security. This is the legacy of the Immoral Community. It is a confirmation of Bertrand Russell's dictum. The only ethical way to overcome the entropy of the electorate is through education.

There should be an extensive program of political re-education. In order for the program to be effective, it will have to be made as convincing as the unethical propaganda of the Immoral Community. The task before the Protagonists is to tell the truth and make it understandable to the majority of the people. At the same time, it will be possible to be logical and scientific about the issues. This is something that none of the politicians do now.

People will vote for candidates who espouse ethical principle not because they are particularly concerned with awareness but because they are concerned with security. Only an Ethical State will provide the security of a pollution-free environment and a fully-subsidized, highly-flexible, individualized educational system in which the intellectual and material advancement of all who wish it is assured. Only an Ethical State promises to eliminate the corrupt bureaucracies which give illusions of security to their members at the cost of destroying the true security of all by eliminating feedback. Only an Ethical State can eliminate all forms of racism and other ideologies. The Ethical State will have to be sold to the electorate not only for the awareness that it promises but for the security which is a trivial consequence of its structure. The long-term goals of an Ethical State may help to unify and solidify the allegiances of the most aware members of society. But long-term goals will not win the votes that the promises of immediate security will. The campaign for an Ethical State will be totally ineffective, unless it commands large amounts of resources — material as well as human. The concentration of material resources will actually be a relatively simple matter for a unified, determined, and disciplined group of highly-aware generalists. All power stems from art, science and technology. Almost the entire power of the nation is produced by a tiny minority of highly-aware generalists. These highly-aware persons are the ones who should form the nucleus around which an Ethical State will grow. It should be a nucleus of moral men — of deliberate players of the Game of Life. These are the Protagonists. They are the human resources which must be concentrated if mankind is to survive.


The Protagonists

The Protagonists should join in a common effort to re-establish feedback in the society. This will occur when they perceive the evolutionary patterns of the Moral Society and the necessity for deliberately playing the Game of Life and engendering an Ethical State. It is the duty of each person who perceives the patterns to help as many other persons as possible also to perceive them. The Protagonists should structure their society as a microcosm of the Ethical State.

The Ethical State will be effective because it has 1) single-mindedness of purpose consistent with the evolutionary force; 2) highly aware leadership; 3) centralized direction with undiffused responsibility; and 4) high feedback for quickly correcting mistakes and reaming from experience at all levels of society. So it must be with the Protagonists. The initial Protagonists will probably all be highly-aware, secure, strongly individualistic and independent persons. But if they are to be effective, they must subordinate their individualism to accomplish the common purpose of all Protagonists which must be to engender an Ethical State. This will be alien and difficult for most of them, but there is no other way. Discipline with centralized direction is essential to the success of the Protagonists. Otherwise they will be a diffused group of well-intentioned and capable persons starting out in all directions instead of concentrating their efforts on attacking the Immoral Community at its weakest points. Only with central direction and disciplined feedback can the Protagonists be successful.

Everyone who becomes a Protagonist should take an oath to dedicate his life as best he can to the engendering of an Ethical State. The principal task of the Protagonists should be to pool their talents and resources to re-establish feedback in the society. The re-establishment of feedback will involve 1) setting up schools to teach evolutionary theory and ethics; 2) the formation of an ethical political party; and 3) the concentration of wealth in order to finance the campaigns of ethical candidates. All support should also be withdrawn from the political, industrial and educational bureaucracies which are the natural competitors of the Protagonists. No ethical person should voluntarily associate himself in any manner with a bureaucracy.

The schools should begin as an extension of the current educational system. The schools would teach all science and ethics as a single, integrated subject unified by the general theory of evolution. This would reestablish some feedback into the educational system by teaching science and ethics as they should be taught and not in the bureaucratized fashion of the present educational establishment.

In areas where it is possible for a new political party to be effective, an ethical party should be established to run ethical reform candidates against the corrupt bureaucracies of the existing parties. In all areas ethical reform candidates should be supported to run against the establishment candidates. The ethical candidates would have a secret weapon to use against their opponents. It is a weapon which politicians have traditionally shunned as ineffective, though it is the only weapon which can win in the long run — the weapon is truth. Truth can only be effective if it is disseminated with great ethical skill, rather than the deceits used by the power-seeking, political bureaucrats. This will take enormous wealth.

The wealth could come from inventions, patents, processes, creations, manufacture, and financial transactions, which could be implemented through profit-making corporations established under the direct control of the Protagonists. Each Protagonist should be a corporate partner and should be entitled to keep for his personal use fifty percent of the profits that he produced for the corporation. He could use his share to support himself and his family as well as for his personal educational projects. The other fifty percent of the profits would go entirely to the Society of Protagonists for the purpose of engendering an Ethical State.

Membership in the Society of Protagonists should be restricted solely to ethical persons. The best objective criterion of ethics is broad awareness. If membership in the Protagonists is limited to highly-aware generalists this should protect them from falling under the control of persons who are not ethical.

Broad awareness serves as the best buffer against the corrupting influence of personal power. However, not all ethical persons are generalists with depth. Any person who seems ethical should be allowed to ally himself with the Protagonists. For self-protection, however, the Protagonists should limit effective power to highly-aware generalists. Any ethical person can become a generalist and any ethical person can and should help the Protagonists.

Restricting power only to highly-aware persons should also serve as an effective block to the infiltration of the Protagonists by persons who would destroy them. Highly-aware persons would usually tend to be deliberate players of the Game of Life. Even when their original intentions were those of personal power or duplicity, the moral field of the Society of Protagonists would probably amplify their personal ethics so that they would become allies and not enemies of the Protagonists.

When the Protagonists have accumulated sufficient resources and power, they should begin the political assault on the Immoral Community. The assault should come as a surprise, with well-financed, ethical political candidates with sophisticated, yet scientific, campaigns suddenly emerging everywhere.


Political Campaigns

The campaigns should be based on a scientific approach to solving the problems of pollution, education, and bureaucratic corruption but they must be made convincing and relevant to the voters' needs. The Protagonists should do their best to redirect the energy of the Revolt Against Reason into ethical channels. However, the Protagonists should try to avoid trivial issues which offend the prejudices of the majority when discussed honestly and scientifically. When issues cannot be avoided, they should be discussed honestly and no attempt should be made to deceive the electorate. The Protagonists should never forget that unethical means never achieve ethical ends. The campaigns should pre-empt the communications and entertainment media by using the accumulated wealth of the Protagonists to outbid the disorganized, power-seeking politicians of the political bureaucracies for control of the media.

The power-seeking political bureaucrats of the Democratic and Republican Parties are mostly unethical men motivated mainly by a desire for personal security through personal power. They have no particular allegiance or strong attachments to their respective parties which, after all, have no ideological or philosophical bases but serve solely as instruments for helping them achieve power. Since their only concern is security and personal power, the political bureaucrats will be extremely vulnerable to the intimidation of concentrated wealth applied directly against them by a purposeful, selfless, intelligent and nationally organized opponent whose stated goals are so logical and so clearly in the public interest that they cannot be refuted. The political bureaucracies should eventually fall before such an onslaught.

The political campaigns of the Protagonists should have an entirely pragmatic and logical basis. Since the Protagonists would know the political bureaucracies for what they are — instruments for achieving personal, political power — they could use the corruption of the political parties to their own advantage. In order to reduce feedback and further entrench themselves, the political bureaucrats have brought about a situation where it is impossible for a person to be effective in politics without commanding large amounts of money. A politician tries to be a sufficiently good actor and command enough resources to sell himself to the voters not for what he is, but for what his merchandising team can make him appear to be.

Therefore, in order to defeat the political bureaucracies, it is necessary to have enough wealth and determination to out-sell them. This could be facilitated by subverting them with ethical behavior from within.

It would be a simple matter for the Protagonists to give support to their own candidates to run in a Republican or a Democratic primary whenever these were the most effective ways of putting an ethical person into office. In places where the nomination of candidates was closed by bureaucratic intrigue, then new political parties could be formed to oppose the political bureaucracies directly. Eventually a majority of the elected officials would be ethical; some would call themselves Democrats, others Republicans and still others Independents. The important result would be that persons committed to the expansion of total awareness and to engendering an Ethical State would control the political machinery. Once they did, the Ethical State would be assured.

If the political bureaucrats still exercised significant control over the political machinery after the campaigns of the Protagonists, they would probably attempt to pass restrictive legislation to inhibit the expansion of the political upstarts. However, the wealth, determination, and intelligence of the Protagonists should enable them to circumvent whatever obstacles are put in their way by the obviously-corrupt, power-seeking bureaucrats. Soon a bandwagon psychology would be created and the political bureaucrats would seek to maintain their power and security by allying themselves with the Protagonists. They would offer tremendous concessions which were obviously in the best interest of anyone motivated solely by the pursuit of power. The unethical politicians would never understand the motivation of ethical men who seek only the expansion of awareness. Their concessions should make it even easier to defeat them.

When the entire political machinery of the nation is controlled by the Protagonists, it should be a simple matter to amend the Constitution of the United States into the Constitution of an Ethical State. Such amendments would indeed be consistent with the original spirit of the American Constitution.

It would be the responsibility of the Protagonists to prepare the public to accept total awareness as the only meaningful goal for mankind. Once the Ethical State is established the leaders must continue to educate the public on the ethics of life.



Since the purpose of the Protagonists is to eliminate all bureaucracies and engender an Ethical State, it would be logical for the political and industrial bureaucracies to destroy the Protagonists while they are still weak. In order for this to occur, there would have to be a unified bipartisan attack on the Protagonists, in such a way that it became impossible for them to concentrate wealth and power. The political bureaucracies united once before in order to destroy a common political threat. They did this when they persecuted the Communist Party and alleged Communists in the Who's. The persecution of the Communists, however, led to such abuses of basic justice and reason (personified by Senator Joseph McCarthy) that enormous damage was done to the political, intellectual, military and industrial vitality of the United States. The political bureaucracies are not likely to risk being consumed in the wake of new persecutions. Furthermore, the Protagonists would not be allied with any foreign power or outside threat and they would work entirely within the framework of the U.S. Constitution. Harassment of the Protagonists would threaten the stability of the entire bureaucracy because it could only be done by violating the Constitution of the United States in such a way that each of the entrenched parties would become highly vulnerable to the machinations of the other. Therefore, there should be no harassment because it is the nature of political bureaucracies not to trust each other.

The greatest protection should come from the bureaucrats' total inability to comprehend the motivations of the Protagonists. The pursuit of total awareness for the entire human race to the exclusion of bureaucratic security and personal power would appear as a type of insanity to the political bureaucrats. It is the tragedy of modern life that ethical behavior is equated with madness. The bureaucrats would not believe that an ethical organization could be a threat to them until after the Ethical State was assured. The former political bureaucrats, like many of the electorate, would not comprehend what was happening or why. It would be incomprehensible to them that the highly-aware and politically successful Protagonists would end their own bureaucratic security by engendering an Ethical State. Full comprehension of the goals, purposes and methods of the Ethical State would come only after a large number of persons began to expand their total awareness.

In the beginning, the major problem may come from leftist ideologues who, no matter how fair the competition was made, would insist that the losers in the competition were helpless victims of their environment who never had an honest chance. The leftist ideologues are something that the Ethical State will just have to tolerate until a universal scientific education eliminates all ideologies from mankind. The rightist ideologues will also oppose the Ethical State because it will violate many of their religious and racist prejudices. However, it is also possible that many of the leftist and the rightist ideologues will be won over by the sanity and the ethics of the Protagonists. It should never be forgotten that persons only become ideologues in an attempt to be aware. Long before ideology is eliminated the Ethical State should begin to expand until it encompasses all humanity.



The strategy of the previous sections should guarantee the establishment of an Ethical State in the United States. The only problem that exists is the willingness of a few hundred of the most totally-aware, moral generalists to become Protagonists. However, if the best persons that humanity can produce are not willing to make some personal sacrifices in order to create an Ethical State, then the entropy of the human race is already beyond the point of no return.

The most likely case is that there are not only hundreds but thousands of potential Protagonists in the United States and in other countries. Every ethical person in the world is a potential ally of the Protagonists. Most persons still seem to be ethical, if not moral. The Protagonists only need hope and a focus to bring them together. This book has tried to provide both. If it has failed, then others who can more clearly perceive and express the patterns of evolution must correct the shortcomings of the book and give greater hope and focus to humanity. Once the Protagonists begin the deliberate Game of Life, they should form a self-catalyzing reaction which will bring ethical persons together from all over the world.

The entropy in countries other than the United States is probably too high to engender the initial Ethical State there at this time. However, once an Ethical State is established in the United States, then the hope of all Protagonists will probably become focused on the Ethical State.

The United States has, since its inception, stood as a symbol of hope for the entire human race. The Founding Fathers were fully aware of this when they claimed that America was not only for them but for all humanity. Jefferson saw America as the place where through personal freedom "the Natural Aristocracy Among Men" would rise to the forefront. By "Natural Aristocracy" Jefferson obviously meant those persons with the greatest innate potential for total awareness. The promise of America has to a great extent been fulfilled. However, ideology and the bureaucratic decay of its institutions have caused America to stray ever further from its original mission of uniting the human race under a system of freedom and justice.

The original guiding principle of the United States was progress through personal freedom. This concept will be re-established as the guiding principle for the entire human race when the United States becomes an Ethical State. At this time, the most-aware persons from all over the world will rally once again to the American cause and will foment revolutions in their own countries which will unite all of humanity in a single Ethical State. It will all begin with the joining of the first deliberate players of the Game of Life — the Protagonists.

Once the Ethical State begins, its expansion and its preservation will depend on 1) its natural allies within other nations (i.e., the international Moral Community) and 2) its Military. The persons who will feel most directly threatened by the Ethical State will be the bureaucrats of the Communist parties. They will do everything in their power to destroy any Ethical State.

Until this time only Communism has been a "positive" world force for unifying the human race by promising security in the absence of freedom The United States has been impotent in the ideological battle with Communism because it has had nothing positive to offer. It seemed only to promise the freedom for predatory exploitation by capitalism to persons who were already dying of starvation. This promise has been an utter failure politically. The Ethical State will completely preempt the ideological appeal of Communism by promising all men even greater security than the Communists, all in the presence of freedom and purpose. This new state of affairs will terrify the Communist bureaucrats.

The terror will be instilled not so much from fear of losing the ideological war among the uncommitted nations of the world as from fear of having their own people "contaminated" by the ideals of the Ethical State. Once some of their own highly-aware generalists, such as Sakharov, begin to become fully aware of the potentialities of an Ethical State, the ethics of life may spread throughout the entire Communist society until the Communist bureaucrats are driven from power by their own Protagonists. For this reason the Communist bureaucrats will try to stifle the Ethical State in its cradle. They will even take desperate risks toward this end. In order to survive, the Ethical State must be militarily so strong that even the threat of attack by a Communist power would be suicidal. Only in overwhelming strength will there be security from the convulsive reactions of the Communist bureaucrats striving to preserve their security and power by avoiding negative feedback. The success of the Ethical State within its own house should put tremendous internal pressure on the bureaucrats and ideologues to mutate the Communist society into an Ethical State. The Ethical State can also give moral support to the Players within the Communist countries to persevere against the corrupt political bureaucracies. Expansion to non-Communist countries, however, is another matter.

The expansion of the Ethical State should be mainly a peaceful endeavor brought about by the Protagonists of each country. The Ethical State should give moral and financial support to ethical persons everywhere so that they may engender an Ethical State in their own country and then join in voluntary association with the other Ethical States. Countries which have reached such a high state of entropy that they cannot produce a critical mass of Protagonists should be left alone, so long as they do not threaten the Ethical State militarily or by environmental pollution. If they do so threaten, the Ethical State should defend itself militarily. Once a nation or any person has become a part of the Ethical State, all persons should be given equal rights and should be considered full citizens. Whatever their origins, persons need only perform at an appropriately high level on the LTA tests to run for any public office. All who wish it can vote. All citizens are entitled to the full benefits of the Ethical State.

The Ethical State should wage a world-wide education program to teach the citizens of all countries the ethics of life. The Ethical State should do everything in its power to foment world revolution with the aim of bringing all men into a single Ethical State, but it should never force free men to become citizens of the Ethical State. For this purpose the Ethical State should maintain a place of exile and should not forcibly interfere in the internal affairs of free nations unless it is being directly threatened by them.

The place of exile will enable all men who do not share the principles of the Ethical State to develop their own independent civilization. Because of the random nature of the cosmic force, it is possible that the Ethical State might make a serious developmental mistake. In this case, human evolution might still be continued by those in exile. The Ethical State would also be able to learn from the civilization of those in exile until all men become united in the Moral Society.



As was mentioned earlier, the greatest difficulties encountered in expanding the Ethical State will be the intransigence of the entrenched Communist bureaucracies. Linguistic and cultural differences will also cause difficulties. However, these difficulties can be overcome by broad toleration of diversity and by developing an eclectic culture within the Ethical State. Eventually a single, common language should emerge which incorporates the best from all languages. English is already a step in this direction.

Another obstacle to the expansion of the Ethical State will be presented by organized religion in general and the Catholic Church in particular. The Catholic Church, like the Communist Party which it so closely resembles, is usually terrified of feedback. All ideologies attempt to isolate their members in ideological cocoons of self-satisfied ignorance. The religions can be expected to oppose vigorously the "ungodly" educational system and purposes of the Ethical State. The Catholic Church will oppose any type of birth control which is used to limit the population, even when the absence of a eugenics program bodes certain disaster for the entire human race. The opposition of the churches can only be overcome by educating the masses so that the absurdities of all ideology become manifest and the people feel they have the inner strength to stand alone in a world of uncertainty without the soporific comfort of ideological delusions.

In the final analysis, religious ideology like all ideology is a fragile, illusionary support for those who cannot face up to their own ignorance and the uncertainties of life processes which they can neither predict nor control. An Ethical State is incompatible with all ideology but it should allow people to overcome their ideological delusions by themselves. The only weapon it should use against ideology is education. Highly-aware persons who play the Game of Life will automatically avoid the illusions of religion and other ideologies.

The religious opposition to the Ethical State may have its most effective expression through the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits are a Society quite analogous to the Protagonists. They started out in the sixteenth century as a group of highly aware, selfless, disciplined men, determined to unify the world in a single ethical society which they conceived as a Catholic totalitarian state. They were, until the early part of the seventeenth century, one of the most vital, intellectual forces in the world. During this period, they infiltrated the governments of China, Japan, Russia, Poland, Spain, France and many other countries. The Jesuits were eventually destroyed through bureaucratization because they had an ideological base and limited feedback. The Jesuits of yesterday, like the Communists of today, propounded the ethic that the end justifies the means; in the process they themselves became unethical. They were inevitably persecuted and expelled in each country in which they had achieved power. Finally, the convulsions of the impending French Revolution and the fear they engendered in the Catholic Church itself caused the Jesuits to be completely disbanded by the Pope in the late eighteenth century. They became reorganized again in the mid-nineteenth century, but they were only a shadow of the former vital Society which had been on the verge of world domination. Today the Jesuits are in many ways a pathetic group of men still striving admirably for awareness and world union but blinded by ideological delusions. They are impeded in accomplishing their objectives by their own self-imposed entropy through lack of feedback. The Jesuits are a living example of how ideology and bureaucracy can corrupt a basically ethical society. The Protagonists should heed their negative example.

The Jesuits are still the most effective international religious bureaucracy, they may significantly impede the expansion of the Ethical State. If the Jesuits could give up their ideology, many of them would be highly effective Protagonists, as they have most of the ethical qualities. Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest, is the most tragic example of a brilliant ethical mind attempting to expand man's total awareness yet tortured and eventually made largely ineffective by the self-imposed delusions of religious ideology.

Another obstacle to the expansion of the Ethical State will be nationalism and/or ethnocentrism. These will manifest themselves in two ways: 1) the more chauvinistic citizens of the Ethical State will be reluctant to absorb "aliens" into their midst and to assume responsibility for their welfare; 2) nationalistic and ethnocentric persons from the smaller nations will not wish to be absorbed by another people. This latter problem will be compounded by the fact that innate TAP is almost certainly not equally distributed among all human groups. Indeed, it would be astonishing if any genetically-determined characteristic were identically distributed in genetically-isolated groups. However, no ethnic or racial group has a monopoly on genius or morality. Similarly no ethnic or racial group is totally devoid of stupidity or immorality. The full gamut of ethical potential probably exists within all human groups, even if it may not be identically distributed.

Some leaders of the smaller nations will be reluctant to enter a competitive situation in which they are not likely to fare as well as their new competitors. These obstacles can only be overcome by a rigorously fair treatment of all minorities in the TAP and LTA tests, and by appealing to the unifying principles of a subsidized universal educational system which is individualized and scientific. Persons must be more concerned with their absolute awareness than with their relative awareness. Awareness must eventually be seen as an end in itself and not as a form of personal competition. The competition in an Ethical State is only an ethical means for maintaining feedback; it is not an ultimate end but only an intermediate end. When all men are moral, competition will probably not be necessary.

All men must realize that the totality of man is more important than any sub-set of men. Ethnocentrism is another form of ideology and, like all ideology, is mainly divisive and can only increase the entropy of the human race. It unites a small segment of humanity at the cost of isolating it from the rest. In the United States as well as other countries both the Black and the White racists must learn to accept persons on the basis of their individual merit and not on a priori expected behavior associated with the group from which they come.

Hopefully the unifying educational objectives of the Ethical State will tend to make persons forget their parochial worries and to become a part of a movement greater than any single nation. Every man will eventually wish to partake in the exploration of space and the creation of the Moral Society. The drive toward the Moral Society should in time, be stronger than any nationalism or petty ethnocentrism. The Ethical State will unite all ethical persons by giving them a common purpose to which etch can contribute and of which each can partake.

The Ethical State will give men what no political system in history has offered—freedom, security and purpose beyond one's personal life, all at the same time. The need for awareness is as basic to man as his instinct for self-preservation. The fulfillment of this need is the basis of human joy.

The internal structure of the Ethical State, where 1) everyone is a full citizen and 2) the competition for responsibility is on the basis of objective TAP and LTA tests, will tend to ameliorate the divisiveness of more parochial interests. The senatorial and mayoral system will assure that every region is equally represented on the basis of population.

Yet not all identifiable groups will fare equally well in the constant competition and creative tension of an Ethical State. Some of these groups will certainly feel discriminated against and under-represented. The Ethical State can only try to assuage their fears by a scrupulous adherence to ethical principles and by getting all persons more involved in expanding awareness than in catering to their own primitive emotions. Persons who have little confidence in their intellectual abilities should not despair at the competition in the Ethical State because ethical behavior is the highest form of awareness and all persons probably have the innate capacity to become ethical and moral.



Considering all the obstacles which can impede the creation of an Ethical State, it is prudent to have a contingency plan. The contingency plan should be put into effect if it ever appears that the United States has reached irreversible entropy. There are indications that unless purposeful action is taken soon, the United States and the Soviet Union will annihilate each other and in the process most of the human race.

The contingency plan itself should consist primarily in 1) preserving as much of humanity as possible and 2) implementing an Ethical State among the survivors. Since the evidence is now overwhelming that the Soviet Union intends to use thousands of cobalt bombs on American cities a nuclear war will almost certainly make the Northern Hemisphere uninhabitable. Because the radioactive fallout would be diffused very slowly into the Southern Hemisphere, there is a slight chance, however, that humanity might still survive there. Eventually the fallout would probably make the Southern Hemisphere as uninhabitable as the Northern Hemisphere, but there might be time to save large segments of humanity.

The Southern Hemisphere is populated by some of the most primitive people in the world. None of the nations in this part of the world have critical ethical mass at this time. Indeed virtually all of the nations in the Southern Hemisphere have unethical though not necessarily immoral societies. Only a highly intelligent nation can be immoral.

The most ethical major nations in the Southern Hemisphere seem to be Argentina, Australia, Chile and New Zealand. This is evidenced by the educational levels of the populations and their general output in the Sciences and the Arts. Other major nations, such as Brazil and South Africa, are unethical. South Africa is a repressive police state. Brazil has an entrenched military dictatorship. Argentina may also go the same way as Brazil. Rhodesia has gone the way of South Africa and will probably become just as repressive. There are nations in the Southern Hemisphere which seem on the borderline between being ethical and unethical societies, such as Peru and Uruguay. The borderline nations as well as most of the ethical nations, however, are firmly in the grip of leftist ideology which in time should lead to irreversible entropy. Therefore, most of the nations in the Southern Hemisphere have no hope of becoming Ethical States without outside catalysis. However, if the Northern Hemisphere is destroyed the situation in the Southern Hemisphere would change radically. The nations there would no longer be able to avoid negative feedback, neither would they continue to be exploited by the nations of the Northern Hemisphere.


The Exploitation of Nations

Within its own sphere of influence the Soviet Union deliberately and ruthlessly exploits its satellites — Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, East Germany, etc. The United States also exploits the non-Communist nations but this occurs in a subtle, non-deliberate manner.

The United States practices post-industrial colonialism in which intellect is drained from the less advanced nations and invention is exported to be manufactured by cheaper labor in the exploited nations. Since World War II no nation outside of Russia and the United States has had the critical mass of ethical persons to innovate significantly. The United States, because of its great wealth and freedom, has been for a quarter-century the principal scientific innovator in the world. C. P. Snow has estimated that the United States has been responsible for eighty percent of all human progress since the end of World War II. However, at best this is only superficially true.

The principal influx of genius into the United States came with the refugees from Nazism beginning in the 1930'S. Before this the United States had produced many outstanding inventors of mechanical and electrical devices but virtually no theoretical discoveries. The marriage of the concrete mechanical genius of America with the abstract theoretical genius of Europe produced a synergistic effect which led to the great post-World War II innovative period in American history. The United States has maintained this momentum partially by feeding parasitically on the best minds from virtually every free nation in the world. This is not done maliciously or even deliberately but occurs automatically through simple economics.

Within the non-Communist world only the United States has the critical mass of laboratory facilities, teachers and research funds to give any scientist or engineer virtually unlimited opportunities to develop his intellectual potential in an atmosphere of freedom and comfort. Therefore, the most creative scientists from all the non-Communist countries tend to come to the United States to study and to work. The high standard of living and the educational opportunities eventually seduce them permanently. This causes the infamous "brain-drain" on all noncommunist countries.

The "brain-drain" takes the best minds out of other countries. This causes the exploited countries to become increasingly unethical. The United States in the meantime, through its bureaucratic and hedonistic decline, is producing an ever-decreasing percentage of the scientists and technologists from its own native-born population. The foreign students become an ever-increasing percentage of the student body in all the graduate centers for scientific and technical studies. Some graduate departments even have a majority of foreign students! The native-born Americans study mostly humanities and social science ideology. In this way the United States has been draining the intellectual potential of other countries and giving very little in return, except patent licenses and manufacturing franchises of innovations which have been produced in part by the immigrants from the exploited countries.

This phenomenon amounts to the bureaucratization of science on a world scale. It is decreasing feedback within the scientific community and ruining other nations in the most pernicious by making them unethical. This process is coming to an end because the United States is finding it politically expedient to cut research funds in favor of military and other bureaucratic spending. Only an immoral leadership would deliberately sacrifice education for political expediency. However, the damage to other nations has already been done.


The Last Chance

The mutual destruction of the Soviet Union and the United States should re-establish feedback into the still-ethical nations of the Southern Hemisphere. They would no longer be able to depend on American technology and their best minds would no longer be flocking to the United States. If at this time there exists a critical mass of Protagonists within these nations it should then be possible to establish an Ethical State in one or more of them. The Ethical State in these nations could then direct the energies of the revitalized nations toward providing shelters and other technological means for saving as much of humanity as possible until the fall-out in the Southern Hemisphere subsides sufficiently to allow human life to survive in a more natural state.

The contingency plan, therefore, involves establishing societies of Protagonists as soon as possible in the Southern Hemisphere. These societies will probably not have critical mass and they will be largely ineffectual until after the nuclear holocaust. At this time the unavoidable negative feedback of nuclear annihilation might attract more persons to the Protagonists and they might take over one or more nations which could be mutated into an Ethical State. This is a very slim hope for the human race but it seems to be the only hope left if the United States has indeed reached irreversible entropy.

The best hope for the human race and the Southern Hemisphere is, of course, that an Ethical State may be established in the United States in the near future. It would be the policy of the Ethical State to expand awareness for all mankind. This would imply that the only foreign aid given would be educational; the establishment of competitive research centers and universities in other countries would be encouraged. This would be in the best interests of any Ethical State because it would 1) increase feedback and 2) make other nations more ethical, thereby bringing about the World Ethical State and diminishing the probabilities of war. Therefore, at this time the Protagonists should concentrate their energies on creating an Ethical State within the United States.

This policy should never be completely abandoned even when it seems almost certain that the United States has become an immoral society. So long as there is any hope at all an effort should be made to establish an Ethical State in North America.



Hope may diminish but it is never zero. It is unethical to give up hope because it is unethical to be certain. There will be many obstacles to be overcome in engendering the first Ethical State and then expanding it to include all of humanity. The strategies outlined here only give the general over-all pattern of how to begin. Specific problems will require specific solutions which can best be worked out ad hoc through the use of ethical principles and scientific method. The basic strategy for an Ethical State is based not on logical method but on the fact that an Ethical State probably is the only hope for the survival of the human race. The Ethical State should succeed because man does not seem to have any alternative. He must succeed in creating an Ethical State or all hope for himself and his progeny will probably be lost forever. The commitment of the most highly-aware generalists of a nation to the creation of an Ethical State is a strategy which should succeed because it is in keeping with the basic evolutionary patterns that have always assured long-term victory to the more-aware competitor. But it is the hope inherent in the Ethical State which should fire the imagination of the world and drive it to create the Moral Society.

In the creation of the Moral Society, under maximum creative tension, man will find what has always driven him to try to be a part of something greater than himself. The illusions of ideology have been a perverse manifestation of this basic need. In creating the Moral Society man will do more than find the security and happiness which have always eluded him. The Moral Society will for the first time in history make each man complete by making him an integral, necessary part of an intelligence far greater than his own. Only an Ethical State can lead man toward the Moral Society and only the Moral Society can lead man to total awareness. The Ethical State will succeed because it must. There is no other way.


Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible.

—La Rochefoucauld

In this summary of the preceding material, an effort is made to tie all the speculation, observation and proposed experimentation together into a single coherent pattern. This is done directly in Chapter 8 and indirectly in the Epilogue. Since this is a summation of uncertainties, it itself is uncertain and may be in error. Every description, hypothesis, theory and strategy in this book may be in error. With this reservation in mind, the prime ethic of life is summarized in the following statement:

Each person must do his best to maximize total awareness.

All ethical behavior can be logically and scientifically derived from this ethic. In trying to follow the prime ethic, each person must keep in mind that 1) it is unethical to be certain; 2) it is ethical to doubt; 3) inaction is unethical; and 4) unethical means never produce ethical ends. The understanding of the prime ethic is facilitated by observing that:

  • 1. The universe is probably infinite.
  • 2. The total awareness in the universe is probably constantly increasing.
  • 3. Entropy probably only increases when awareness decreases.

These three conjectured laws are the evolutionary counterparts of the three laws of thermodynamics which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed and that entropy must always increase. The conjectured laws imply that local increases in entropy do not affect the over-all evolution of awareness in an infinite universe. Therefore, the continued evolution or entropic extinction of humanity is unimportant in the greater scheme of things. Man's evolution is either important to himself or it is important to no one. Each species is responsible for its own evolution. For this reason every ethical person must devote all his energies to joining with other ethical men in the creation of an Ethical State. If this is not done, then humanity has already reached irreversible entropy.

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© John David Garcia, 1971, All rights Reserved.