The Moral Society
Chapter 8

Summing Up

Sections of this chapter
Direct Perception
The Moral Society
What Must Be Done
The Future of Man

This book has been an attempt to develop a simple, coherent, scientific model of the universe which is consistent with all that we know. The two salient evils which have been identified are bureaucratization and ideology. These evils will destroy the human race in the near future unless man can overcome them through ethics, scientific method and a determined effort to play the Game of Life.

Ideology destroys personal morality. Bureaucracy destroys social morality. Both types of morality are essential for maintaining ethical behavior within the human race. An unethical species is doomed to extinction.

It is not only possible but highly probable that a joining of Protagonists in the United States would bring about an Ethical State, and eventually lead to the creation of the Moral Society. Throughout evolutionary history the more aware have inevitably triumphed over the less aware no matter how strong or numerous the latter appeared to be. The only serious problem that remains is motivating ethical persons in our society to become Protagonists. Here lies the only true threat to humanity. It is not so much the evil of the immoral men which will destroy humanity. It is the apathy and inaction of the ethical persons of the world which will make man's entropy irreversible. Inaction is always unethical. The motivation for ethical action can only come from direct perception of the evolutionary patterns.


Direct Perception

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin spent most of his life trying to help mankind directly perceive the evolutionary patterns of the Noosphere. The Noosphere represented his more limited and ideological view of the Moral Society. During his life, he was thwarted by the Catholic bureaucracy and his own ideology. The Catholic Church censored his most significant work. After his death in 1~55, his secular friends arranged for publication of his books.

Teilhard's greatest work, The Phenomenon of Man, is a book of such beauty and power that it alone should have moved men to the study and reflection which leads to direct perception of the evolutionary patterns. However, very few people appear to have been moved by it. The combination of poetry, mysticism and science in Teilhard's book is confusing to the specialized scientists as well as to the scientific illiterates. It may be that Teilhard, a scientific generalist, unconsciously addressed himself solely to scientific generalists. In so doing, he greatly limited his audience and decreased his effectiveness in many ways. The concept of the Moral Society is so radical that most people have difficulty accepting it even after Teilhard has carefully developed the theoretical basis for it. Unfortunately the attempt by Teilhard to make his great work compatible with Catholic dogma detracted from the power of his arguments. Teilhard did not couch his arguments in a plan for rational action. He points the way and identifies the goal but does not tell us how to get there. Purpose without method cannot be sustained.

Teilhard does not discuss bureaucracy or ideology, but he does discuss faith. Faith, as discussed by Teilhard, is not a belief in a cause and effect relationship for which there is no scientific evidence, but it is equivalent to hope. Faith is the hope that our desires may somehow be fulfilled without knowing precisely how this will happen. In order to perceive directly the evolutionary patterns of the Moral Society, it is necessary to have faith that morality can ultimately triumph over entrenched and aggressive immorality. However, this is a belief which is supported by all of history and it need not be based on ideology.

No plan is practical unless it is believable. A scientifically consistent plan will not work if no one believes it will work. To believe that a plan will work implies that at least a few people have sufficient faith (in Teilhard's sense) to try to make it work. To bring about an Ethical State, it is only necessary that some persons do not accept the propositions that 1) bureaucracy and ideology are inevitable; 2) it is "natural" to prefer happiness above awareness; and 3) we have already reached irreversible entropy and the continued decay of humanity is inevitable.

The desires for awareness and the union with other men are even more basic to man than his desires for happiness and security. Only man among all the animals will sacrifice his life for awareness and freedom. With only a little reflection we can see that true happiness and security can only be brought about indirectly by the direct pursuit of total awareness through brotherhood and personal freedom. Only the highly aware can know joy.

The Ethical State does not seek to change man's nature but to let his true nature flourish. The Ethical State is Utopian but every single successful political idea in history began as a Utopian idea which most men considered unrealistic. This was the case with Judaism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity, the Democratic secular state and Communism. These seemingly impractical Utopian dreams succeeded only insofar as they were indirectly inspired by and consistent with the evolutionary force. They failed only when they became corrupted by bureaucracy and/or ideology.

The Ethical State may appear elitist, but every society in history has been elitist. Today every nation is controlled by an elite of legal-minded, power-seeking bureaucrats. Only the Ethical State offers true equality of opportunity by 1) complete universality of suffrage, 2) completely subsidized, individualized education for all persons and 3) a non-bureaucratic, individualized competition for responsibility on the basis of objectively-measured ability.

The Ethical State is a movement directly inspired by the evolutionary force and recognizes at its inception the dangers of bureaucracy and ideology. It is unique in being a political system founded on doubt and not on belief. The will to doubt is the basis of science. There is no logical reason why the Ethical State should not be the most successful politico-philosophical movement in history. There is no logical reason why men cannot evolve forever toward total awareness. There are no insurmountable obstacles in the way of man directly perceiving and accepting the patterns of his own evolution and transforming himself into the Moral Society.

Man need take but one more step to create the Moral Society. The step must be deliberate. The step is the final test before human evolution becomes irreversible. Only an Ethical State can become the Moral Society.

We have seen that the only common denominator in evolution is an ever-increasing total awareness. By and large, the older the species, the less aware it is. Homo sapiens is the youngest major species on Earth (about 50,000 years old). The cockroach is among the oldest (about 250,000,000 years old). Matter is the oldest phylum of all. The less specialized (i.e., the less bureaucratized) a species, the longer it can survive. Homo sapiens is a recent generalized species. The cockroach is an ancient generalized species. However, survival by itself is meaningless. Only through a constant, deliberate expansion of awareness can life be made meaningful. Only by deliberately playing the Game of Life can man achieve continued purpose, freedom, security, happiness and survival. Otherwise he can, at best, go the way of the cockroach.

Man has reached a point of such extreme biological complexity that significant further complexity and the consequent great increase in awareness can only occur by joining. There is little evidence that the human brain has evolved significantly since the time of Cro-Magnon man. The geniuses of today are no more clever than the geniuses of yesterday. Einstein, Newton and Archimedes are all of the same mold. There has been little if any individual progress.

Progress today is reflected mainly in the cultural evolution of our species. Natural selection serves mainly to alter the relative frequency of highly-aware versus unaware persons. There probably has been no significant increase in the absolute innate potential for maximum total awareness (TAP) of individual persons for thousands of years. Homo sapiens has become increasingly aware primarily because science and technology have enabled man to preserve and extend to many the awareness of one. In other words, the evolution of awareness since the time of Cro-Magnon man has been due almost entirely to an increase in transferable knowledge and the quality and quantity of our machines. Homo moralensis will be a consequence of psychosocial evolution not biological evolution. Indeed our bodies are decaying as we become ever more dependent on machines. Yet our awareness is constantly increasing.

There has been an enormous increase in the absolute number of human beings together with a slight increase in the relative frequency of persons with a high innate potential for total awareness. The latter gains, however, are now being totally dissipated by a bureaucratized civilization in which the reproduction of parasitical human beings is deliberately subsidized by the political bureaucracies as a means of consolidating their power. The advance of a captive science and technology will in time make it possible for an entrenched political bureaucracy to achieve absolute control of the population and breed an ever-greater percentage of parasitical human beings as a means of achieving complete power over all men. The decent political bureaucrats may even believe that they are being altruistic and humanitarian in the process. This will result in an increasingly degenerate society sustained by machines developed by an ever-dwindling number of scientists and engineers. Eventually there will be only parasitical human beings completely dependent on self improving machines they can no longer understand or control.

The Soviet Union is becoming an immoral society with irreversible entropy. The United States is becoming an unethical society. The Revolt Against Reason has the power not to take over a nation but only to entrench a repressive police state of the Right. This will produce irreversible entropy in the United States. Modern technology has made it impossible to overthrow a determined police state from within. A "democratic" police state with majority support and complete control of the Military is virtually invulnerable to revolution. In this and only in this lies the danger of the Revolt Against Reason.

Of course, the human element in the gestalt of men, machines, and knowledge forming modem society is much more likely to become extinct through nuclear annihilation or pollution before total decay sets in. Survival and continued progress is dependent on men directly perceiving the patterns of evolution and the true nature of their own society as well as having the desire to evolve toward total awareness. The essential concept to be perceived in the over-all pattern is the fact that men, machines, and knowledge are together a single entity we call "humanity." Each one without the other is valueless. Together they make up the total awareness of humanity. If any one of the three elements were totally destroyed, humanity would quickly become extinct. Therefore, it is just as important to continue to expand knowledge and improve our machines as it is to preserve the human element. The preservation and expansion of human beings solely to make them happy can only increase the total entropy of humanity. Only the expansion of total awareness is ethical. Only it can lead to the irreversible evolution of the Moral Society.


The Moral Society

The Moral Society represents a logical extension of the current form of humanity. The Moral Society is a joining of human beings—all of whom are moral. The joining will be made possible by machines, knowledge, and morality. Science and technology will be used to amplify and unite the individual components of intelligence of many men into a single collective intelligence greater than the sum of its parts.

The last random joining of single cells into the metazoa led to the highest known intelligence we call "man." The deliberate, free joining of highly aware men will lead to the collective intelligence of the Moral Society. The Moral Society will continue to evolve by fanning out, testing, and joining. It will evolve toward the Moral Society of all joined Moral Societies—the ultimate, infinite Moral Society of pure thought. The Moral Society will evolve toward total awareness which is an infinite goal.

Mind is an effect which can affect itself. Therefore it can evolve toward pure thought and total awareness by becoming less an effect of the body and more an effect of itself. This process has been going on for thousands of years as man's body has deteriorated until he is completely dependent on machines and collective human knowledge.

Man has, unconsciously, been creating the Moral Society by creating analogues and amplifiers of the components of his own intelligence. This has occurred under the constant tension and random testing of the evolutionary force. In a similar fashion, the evolutionary force drove the first primitive metazoa toward the collective intelligence of man. Man's intelligence results from the billions of individuals cells making up his body. Man's individual intelligence is, therefore, like all intelligence, really a collective intelligence. The Moral Society will be to man as man is to a cell; however, the ultimate Moral Society is infinite. It can only be reached at infinity. We can evolve toward it, always getting closer but never reaching it. It is infinitely greater in relation to the first Moral Society than man is to the first metazoan.

The critical evolutionary difference between the Moral Society and all other life forms is that the Moral Society is fully conscious of its own evolution and it deliberately controls it instead of submitting blindly to the random testing of the evolutionary force. Man is mutating into the Moral Society by becoming aware of his own evolution. This process can only be completed deliberately within an Ethical State. When all men are fully aware of the evolutionary patterns and are unified with the sole purpose of increasing their collective total awareness, the Moral Society will have begun.

The Moral Society will, at first, be as little superior to the Ethical State as the first metazoan was to an unjoined group of cells. However, once men begin to unify their individual intelligence for the sole purpose of amplifying their collective intelligence, the Moral Society will begin to develop rapidly. The development of the collective intelligence of the Moral Society should mirror the development of man's individual intelligence, since all evolution repeats its former patterns.

The first metazoa only amplified the Effectors of the individual cells by making them collectively larger and stronger than a single cell, somewhat in the same way that an army is larger and stronger than an individual soldier. Eventually the cells of the metazoan began to give up an ever increasing part of their individuality by specializing. Specialization has always been a way in which individuals lose their freedom by becoming narrowly aware as opposed to broadly aware. First, collective Connectors and Memory began to develop in the metazoa. Ultimately collective Sensors and the brain were simultaneously developed. Within the brain, collective Logic, Memory, Imagination and Will were to evolve until they became man.

Man has similarly, in his psychosocial evolution, first developed artificial amplifiers of Effectors (e.g., tools), then of Connectors and Memory (e.g., language and writing), then of Sensors (e.g., telescopes). He has continued to develop new and better machines for amplifying the components of his intelligence until today he is on the verge of creating the body of the Moral Society.

The components of the body of the Moral Society will evolve from communications networks, electro-mechanical servo-mechanisms and sensors, computers, synthetic cells and other machines. The Ethical State will represent the embryonic collective Will and Imagination of the Moral Society. Ultimately the Moral Society will be a single entity in which all men, knowledge and machines have become unified. At that time all the components of intelligence will have become so greatly amplified that the Moral Society will have the same relationship to man as man has to a group of unjoined cells. But man will never have to give up his individuality. He will never have to specialize. The specialized functions will be done by machines. The machine has always made man free by allowing him to remain unspecialized and individualized. It will continue to do so within the Moral Society. He will remain an individual while still a part of a greater whole. The body of the Moral Society may someday be made entirely of specialized machines, but the mind of the Moral Society will be composed of free, unspecialized men who are moral generalists. The life force of the Moral Society will be morality — the conscious desire for ever greater total awareness for itself and for others.

The Moral Society, like all organisms, will evolve gradually from a fragmented humanity to a single, far greater entity. There will be no sudden radical changes in structure. Such was the pattern which led from cell to man. Such was the pattern which led from matter to the cell. Such should be the pattern of the Moral Society evolving toward infinite total awareness. The Moral Society will make man ever more free by making him ever more aware. Only the freedom of man will make the Moral Society possible. Only through the Moral Society will man be able to become ever more free. Freedom and awareness are each a cause and effect of the other.



The technical feasibility of the Moral Society is clear. The pattern of man's ever-increasing ability to predict and control his total environment indicates that the body of the Moral Society is feasible and that most of it already exists or is readily created. It only remains to extend the scientific method fully to the psychosocial environment in order to create the mind, i.e., soul, of the Moral Society. Only in this way can mankind be made moral. Only moral men can create the mind of the Moral Society.

The collective mind of the Moral Society will be created from the individual minds of a humanity freely and ethically united by art, science, technology, and a common purpose. The essential components of the mind are the essential components of intelligence plus ethics. By "essential" is meant those components that produce awareness. We art already beginning to understand Memory. It appears that once the molecular structure of Memory is deciphered, it will be possible to pool al] the important Information of the entire human race in such a way that each person has all the important Information of every other person.

It seems that Will and Imagination are amplified by voluntary, close cooperation between highly-aware persons with a common purpose. The education programs of the Ethical State will augment this process by 1) making all persons highly aware and 2) by the creation of direct, artificial Connectors between individual minds. The latter will be an extension of the artificial Connector we call language. This will represent a natural extension of the work currently being done in biophysical neurophysiology and mathematical psychology. Once the Information, Imagination and Will of many persons have been pooled, then the collective mind of the Moral Society will begin to develop. Its development will be enhanced by the amplification of Memory and Logic through the development of super-computers with sub-microscopic components. The entire process will be further enhanced through the rapidly-growing technology of artificial Sensors and Effectors. It will all be made possible by the moral field of humanity.

The ever-increasing collective awareness of the Moral Society will then be used to accelerate its own evolution. Once the Moral Society is engendered, it will evolve at an ever-increasing rate toward infinity. The technical feasibility of the Moral Society is, therefore, assured. Its creation may take hundreds of years or it may be possible in fifty years. The time is highly uncertain, but not the technical feasibility. The only serious impediment to the creation of the Moral Society is the currently increasing high state of entropy within the human race.



Man is currently in a state of acute entropic decline as a consequence of bureaucratization and ideology. This manifests itself in the democracies through the Revolt Against Reason, hedonism, specialization, scientific illiteracy, and most of all through the immorality of the leadership. In the totalitarian states it manifests itself through the unethical stifling of freedom by self-serving, corrupt, ideological bureaucracies dominated by indecent men. The suppression of freedom through ideology and bureaucracy leads inevitably to the extinction of awareness by making all men unethical. This occurred in Islam and has almost occurred in Iberia. The world is becoming unethical. The United States is becoming an unethical society. The Soviet Union is becoming an immoral society. Immoral societies have irreversible entropy.

The only defense that the human race has against entropy is education, but education is in the same entropic decline as the rest of society. The educational system is bureaucratized and the psychosocial sciences are impeded by the ideologically-based establishment of the social "scientists." The only hope for overcoming the entropy which will inevitably destroy the human race is an Ethical State. An Ethical State is only possible if the entropy of mankind has not increased beyond the point of no return.

Just as entropy has a point of no return, so does awareness. Once awareness increases to a certain level, it becomes a self-catalyzing reaction that cannot be reversed. This level of awareness is probably represented by a fairly primitive Moral Society which is becoming fully aware of the evolutionary patterns. Once a Moral Society is aware of what it must do to expand its awareness continuously, it cannot help but continuously expand its awareness at its maximum rate. It then no longer has to worry about the testing of other Moral Societies. It will always grow in awareness and its entropy will always decrease.

In order to create the Moral Society and raise it to the level of total awareness from which there is no return, it is essential that man begin the Ethical State now and then begin the expansion of total awareness at his maximum rate. It is questionable whether the point of no return in entropy has yet been reached. In the near future it will almost certainly be reached unless the entire structure of society has been radically changed and man has started an Ethical State. This will occur only if there still exists a critical mass of moral men and ethical children.


What Must Be Done

If man is to continue to evolve toward total awareness then there are certain essential steps which must be taken. The first and most essential step is the joining of the Protagonists, the deliberate players of the Game of Life. It is the duty of all ethical persons to concentrate all their energy on the creation of an Ethical State. They must do this whatever the cost may be to them and their loved ones. If this is not done humanity is doomed.

Each moral man perceives the evolutionary patterns in his own way. Historically this perception has been at the unconscious level. Such was probably the case with Moses, Confucius, Buddha, Socrates, and Jesus.

The first deliberate attempt at conscious perception of the evolutionary patterns was probably made by Spinoza. After Spinoza, other thinkers made similar attempts. Most notable among these were Goethe, Darwin, Marx and Teilhard de Chardin. These five men were all of radically different temperament and ideological persuasion. Only Spinoza seems to have been devoid of any conscious ideology, but he had to work with primitive science and logic. Yet, if we were to extract ethical principles from the writings of these men, we would arrive at an amazingly consistent code of ethics — the Game of Life. Therefore, moral men may not agree on cause and effect relationships but they are likely to agree on basic ethics. It is this propensity to agree on basic ethical principles which should be used to join all ethical persons in a society of deliberate players of the Game of Life.

The Protagonists must unite in a close-knit society. They must seek each other out as best they can, join, organize and direct all their energies toward the creation of an Ethical State. Once they are organized they must overcome the political bureaucracies and take over the government by ethical means.

All bureaucracies exist because of a lack of feedback. Any bureaucracy will be destroyed by reintroducing unavoidable feedback into the organization. The political bureaucrats who dominate the world cannot survive in the light of truth. The truth about the way the world is and the way it is likely to become must be taught to all men. Toward this end the Protagonists must start schools, write, and teach all men as best they can.

One way of accomplishing this objective would be to start schools which teach all the sciences and ethics as a single, integrated subject unified by the general theory of evolution. This is an essential function which is not being done by the educational bureaucracy and for which considerable public support may be expected. The schools by simply teaching the truth will reveal the nature of the bureaucratic corruption which must be stopped before it destroys mankind.

The major objective must be to drive the political bureaucrats from office and to elect highly ethical leaders. Toward this end the Protagonists must concentrate wealth by whatever ethical means are possible. The easiest means of concentrating wealth will be through inventions, creations, and the production of technology which increases awareness. Some of the Protagonists and their supporters may also contribute their personal wealth toward this objective.

All the accumulated wealth must then be used to elect ethical men to public office and drive the immoral leaders from power. This may be done within the regular party context in some cases, but it will probably be better strategy to form a completely new political party dedicated to eradication of political corruption by ethical means. This might be called the Ethical Party.

The Ethical Party, hopefully, could be used to redirect the presently destructive and largely unethical activities of the Revolt Against Reason into ethical channels. The children must be made to see that unethical means never achieve ethical ends. In a free, democratic society such as the United States political power can be obtained ethically only at the polls. The failure of the Revolt Against Reason is due entirely to use of unethical means. The young revolutionaries are entrenching the very forces they seek to destroy. They must see that ethical behavior can triumph over immorality; it always has in the past.

In conclusion the main actions to be taken are:

At first, activities should be concentrated in the United States. If the United States indicates that it has reached irreversible entropy and cannot be mutated into an Ethical State, then as a contingency plan the Protagonists must concentrate their efforts in the most ethical nations of the Southern Hemisphere. These nations may have a chance of continuing human evolution after the Soviet Union and the United States destroy the Northern Hemisphere.


The Future of Man

If man wills it, he has an infinite future. First the Protagonists will join; then they will overcome the political bureaucracies and implement an Ethical State. There will be great turmoil but for the first time in history the deliberate expansion of man's total awareness will have begun. The citizens of the Ethical State will begin a rapid increase in total awareness. Simultaneously the Ethical State will expand and absorb other nations. Eventually the majority of mankind will be deliberate players of the Game of Life. Humanity will be moral.

The collective awareness of the Moral Society will begin to take form. This will make individual persons more highly aware and they in turn will catalyze the further creation of the Moral Society. Men will wish to be a part of the Moral Society because it increases their individual awareness. Eventually the individual components of intelligence of all men will become a part of the Moral Society. Their personalities will forever be a part of the infinitely-expanding total awareness of humanity.

Life lost its pseudo-immortality when cells joined to become metazoa. Life will become truly immortal when man joins to become the Moral Society. Only in the Moral Society will the individual awareness of each person who joins it continue to grow and expand forever as the Moral Society transcends time, space and matter. It is not likely that any person living today will become a part of the Moral Society. We who live today have a finite future and our individual awareness will cease with our lives. We live on only in the awareness that we engender in others and in our children. Only our children are likely to evolve forever toward total awareness in the Moral Society. It is for them that we must create an Ethical State.

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© John David Garcia, 1971, All rights Reserved.