The Moral Society

The following bibliography includes some references which provide useful background for directly perceiving the patterns of evolution. Entries followed by a (1) are elementary books which require some degree of rigorous thinking. Entries followed by a (2) are still of a relatively elementary nature, but require some preparation in college-level mathematics and/or science. Entries followed by a (3) are more advanced treatises and texts. Entries which are not followed by a number are easily-understood accounts which do not require rigorous thinking.

All technical references are at the undergraduate level, but some, such as Feller's Probability and Courant's Calculus, can be quite deep.

The reader is referred to the works of Isaac Asimov for easily-understood, non-rigorous treatments on virtually all important scientific topics. The books by Asimov give considerable breadth, but little depth; Asimov's books are good for motivating further study and for giving a sense of relevancy to anyone seeking to become a generalist.

What has preceded in this book is a distillation of the following references and/or other experiences. An attempt was made to reduce the knowledge to the same elementary level as in Asimov's books. A more rigorous treatment is being prepared.

ALEKSANDROV, KOLMOGOROV, and LAVRENT'EV, Mathematics: Its Contents, Methods and Meaning. (2)

ANDRADA, E. N. da C., et al., Evolution of Man. (1) ARBIB, M. A., Brains, Machines and Mathematics. (1) ASIMOV, I., Understanding Physics (3 vols.); The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science; the Universe from Flat Earth to Quasar; The Human Brain;

The Genetic Code. The World of Carbon The World of Nitrogen, etc. ASTIN, A. W., "Undergraduate Achievement and University Excellence," Science, August 16, 1968; pp. 661-667.

ASTRACHAN, A., "Soviet Scientists Demand Freedom for Geneticist," Washington Post, June 6, 1970, p. 1.

BARNES, H. E., An Intellectual and Cultural History of the Western World.

BEADLE, G. and M., The Language of Life. (1) BEASLEY, W. G., Modern History of lapan.

BELMAN, R. E. and DREYFUS, S. S., Applied Dynamic Programming. (2) BERGMANN, P. A., The Riddle of Gravitation.

BERGSON, H., Creative Evolution.

BERNE, E., Games People Play.

BISHOP, ELDER and HEATH, "Intracranial Self-Stimulation in Man," Science 140, 1963, pp. 394-396~

BLUM, H. F., Evolution: Time's Arrow. (z) BOAS, F., Race, Language and Culture.

BOFFEY, P. M., "Japan (I): On the Threshold of Big Science?" Science, Jan. 2, 1970; "Japan (II): University Turmoil is Reflected in Research,"

Science, Jan. 9, pg 70.

BORN, M., Einstein s Theory of Relativity; (2) Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance. (2) and Experiment and Theory in Physics. (2)

BONHOEFFER, D., Ethics and Letters and Papers From Prison.

BRADLEY, D. G., Guide to the World's Religions.

BROWNE, V., The World's Great Scriptures.

BROW, W. A., The Church: Catholic and Protestant.

BULLOCK, A., Hitler: A Study in Tyranny.

BUTLER, J. A. V., Progress in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry. (3)

CALVIN, M., Chemical Evolution. (2)

CAMUS, A., The Myth of Sisyphus and The Rebel.

CHAMBERLIN, W. H., The Russian Revolution, 1 91 7-1 92 1.

CARR, H. W., Leibniz.

CASON, J., Essential Principles of Organic Chemistry. (2)

CHASE, S., The Proper Study of Mankind.

HU, CHIANG-TU, China: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture.

CHURCHILL, W. S., A History of the English Speaking Peoples, and The Second World War

CLARK, K., Civilisation.

COLEMAN, J. S., et al., Equality of Educational Opportunity, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education, July 1966.

COHEN, M. R. and NAGEL, E., An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. (1)

CONANT, J. B., The Chemistry of Organic Compounds. (2)

COURANT, R., Differential and Integral Calculus. (2) Highly Recommended.

COURANT, R. and HILBERT, D., Methods of Mathematical Physics (3), Highly Recommended.

COURANT, R. and ROBBINS, H., What is Mathematics? (1) Highly Recommended.

CRAGY, K., The Call of the Minaret.

CREEL, H. G., Chinese Thought from Confucius to Mao Tse-tung. Highly Recommended.

CUBER, J. F., Sociology: A Synopsis of Principles.

d'ABRO, A., The Evolution of Scientific Thought.

DANIELS, F. and ALBERTY, R. A., Physical Chemistry. (2)

DARWIN, C., The Origin of Species; and The Descent of Man.

DHALLA, M. N., The History of Zoroastrianism.

de JOUVENEL, A., On Power.

DELGADO, J., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society.

DEUTSCHER, I., Stalin: A Political Biography.

de VAUCOULEURS, G., "The Case for a Hierarchical Cosmology," Science, Feb. z7, 1970. (1)

DOBZHANSKY, T., Heredity and the Nature of Man; and Mankind Evolving.

DuPRAW, E. J., Cell and Molecular Biology. (3)

EINSTEIN, A., Out of My Later Years.

ELIOT, A. M. and RAY, C., Biology.

FANN, K. T., Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Man and His Philosophy.

FEINBERG, G., The Prometheus Project; "Particles that Go Faster than Light," Scientific American, Feb. 1970.

FELLER, W., Probability Theory, Vol. I (1), Vol. I1 (3) Highly Recommended.

FERGUSON, T. S., Mathematical Statistics: A Decision Theory Approach. (3)

FEYNMAN, R. P., et al., The Feynman Lectures on Physics. (3 vols.) (1) Highly Recommended.

FIESER, L. F. and FIESER, M., Advanced Organic Chemistry. (3)

FISHER, R. A., Genetical Theory of Natural Selection. (3)

FITZGERALD, C. P., China: A Short Cultural History.

FREUD, S., A General Introduction to Modern Psychoanalysis; Moses and Monotheism, The Basic Writings, (Modern Library); and New Lectures on Psychoanalysis.

FULLOP-MILLER, R., The Jesuits.

GAMOW, G., Creation of the Universe.

GAMOW, G. and CLEVELAND, J. M., Physics Foundations and Frontiers.

GELFAND, I. M. and FOMIN, S. V., Calculus of Variations. (3)

GOETHE, W., Faust.

GOLDMAN, S., Information Theory. (3)

GOSS, C. M., Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body. (2)

GREENBERG, D. S., "Israel: Research and Education," Science, Apr. Z4, 1970.

GRINSPOON, L., "Marijuana," Scientific American, December 1969.

GROSSMAN, S. P., Physiological Psychology. (3)

GUILFORD, J. P., The Nature of Human Intelligence. (1) Highly Recommended.

HAMILTON, MADISON, JAY. The Federalist Papers.

HAMPSHIRE, S., Spinoza.

HANDLER, P. (Editor), Biology and the Future of Man. (1) Highly Recommended.

HAWKINS, J. K., Circuit Design of Digital Computers. (3)

HEGEL, G., The Philosophy of History.

HEGNER, R. W. and STILES, M. A., College Zoology. (1)

HILDEBRAND, J. H. and POWELL, R. E., Principles of Chemistry. (1)

HILGARD, E. R., Introduction to Psychology.

HOFFER, E., The True Believer.

HOYLE, F., Frontiers of Astronomy; Astronomy; and The Nature of the Universe.

HUIZINGA, J., Homo Ludens.

HUME, R. E., The World's Living Religions: A Historical Sketch.

HUXLEY, J., Religion Without Revelation.

JAMES, E. V., Comparative Religion.

JAMES, W., Varieties of Religious Experience.

JENSEN, A. R., "How Much Can We Raise I.Q.?" Harvard Educational Review, Reprint Series No. 2: Environment, Heredity and Intelligence, 1969. (a) Highly Recommended.

JENSEN, H., "Soviet Dissenter Speaks Out," Washington Post, May 17, 1970, page 1.

JEPSEN. SIMPSON, and MAYR, Genetics, Paleontology and Evolution. Highly Recommended.

JUNG, C. G., Collected Works.

JUNG, C. G. and PAULI, W., Interpretation of Nature and Psyche.

KALES, A., Sleep: Physiology and Pathology.

KANT, E., Critique of Pure Reason. (1)

KARLIN, S., Mathematical Methods and Theory in Games, Programming and Economics. (3)

KENDALL, M. G. and STUART, A., The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vols. I, II, III. (3) Highly Recommended.

KENNAN, G. F., Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin.

KIMBLE, G. A., Hilgard and Marquis' Conditioning and Learning.

KITTEL, C., Thermal Physics. (3)

KOESTLER, A., The Lotus and the Robot. The Ghost in the Machine; Act of Creation.

KOHLER, W., Gestalt Psychology.

KOFFKA, K., Principles of Gestalt Psychology. (1)

KULLBACH, S., Information Theory and Statistics. (3)

LA BARRE. W., The Human Animal.

LANDAU, L. D. and LIFSHITZ, E., Mechanics. (3)

LEARY, T., Psychedelic Experience.

LEIBNIZ, G., The Monadology and Other Philosophical Writings, (Robs. Latta, Oxford ); New Essavs Concerning Human Understanding; and Philosophical Papers and Writings, (2 Vols., Chicago Univ.).

LEIGHTON, R. B., Principles of Modern Physics. (2) Highly Recommended.

LENIN, V. I., The State and Revolution; Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism; and Materialism and Empirio—Criticism.

LEVINS, R., Evolution in Changing Environment.

LIDDELL HART, B. H., Strategy.

LIPPMAN, W., Essays in Public Philosophv.

LIPSON, G. P. and LIPSON, H., Optical Physics. (3)

LOTKA. A. J., Elements of Mathematical Biologv. (2)

LUCK. D. R., Developments in Mathematical Psychology (2)

LUCK, D. R. and RAIFFA, H., Games and Decisions. (1)

MACHIAVELLI, N., The Prince.

MAIMONIDES, M., The Guide for the Perplexed.

MAO TSE-TUNG, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung; On Revolution and War, and Selected Works.

MARCH. T. G. and SIMON, H. A., Organizations.

MARCUSE. H.. The One [Dimensional Man: Essay on Liberation.

MARX. K., Capital, Manifesto and Other Writings, (Modern Library). (1)

MASSETT, L., "Marijuana and Behavior." Science News, February 7, 1970.

McGINNISS. T.. The Selling of the President.

McNEILL, W. H., The Rise of the West.

MELGES, F. T., et. al., "marijuana and Temporal Disintegration," Science, May 29, 1970; pp. 1118-1120.

MILNE, L. J. and MILNE. M. M., The Biotic World and Man. (1)

MINSKY. M., Semantic Information Processing. (1)

MOOD, A., Introduction to the Theory of Statistics. (3) Highly Recommended.

MOORE, G. E., Principia Ethica; and Some Main Problems in Philosophy.

MOORE, J. A., Principles of Zoology. (1)

NEMHAUSER, G. L., Introduction to Dynamic Programming. (3)

NEWMAN, J. R., The World of Mathematics, (4 vols.). Highly Recommended.

NEWTON, R. G., "Particles That Travel Faster than Light," Science, March 20, 1970. (1)

NIETZSCHE, F., Also Sprach Zarathustra.

NIKHILANANDA, S., The Essence of Hinduism.

NORTHROP, F. S. C., Alfred North Whitehead; An Anthology.

OLDS and MILNER, "Positive Reinforcement Produced by Electrical Stimulation of Septal Area and Other Regions in the Rat Brain," J. Comp. Physiol-Psychol, 47, 1954, pp. 419-427.

O'NEILL, B., Elementary Differential Geometry. (3)

ORTEGA Y GASSET, J., Obras Completas. (Particularly Volume 8.)

PADOVER, S. K., Thomas Jefferson on Democracy.

PAVLOV, I. P., Selected Works. (2)

PICKTHALL, M., The Meaning of the Glorious Koran.

PLATT, J. R., The Step to Man; "What We Must Do," Science, Nov. 28, 1969.

POLYA, G., Patterns of Plausible Inference, (2); and Induction and Analogy in Mathematics. (2)

PRIBRAM, K. H., Brain and Behavior, (4 vols.). (2)

PROGOFF, I., Jung's Psychology and Its Social Meaning.

QUARTON, MELNECHUCK, SCHMITT, The Neurosciences. (3)

RASHEVSKY, N., Mathematical Foundations of Biology. (2)

RAUCH, GEORGE VON, A History of Soviet Russia.

REISER, O. L., The Integration of Human Knowledge. (1) Highly Recommended.

RICHARDSON, R. S., Astronomy in Action. (1)

ROSENBLUETH, A., Mind and Brain. ( 1)

ROTH, C., History of the Jewish People.

RUSSELL, B., A History of Western Philosophy, Highly Recommended; The Philosophy of Leibniz; Power; and Dictionary of Mind, Matter and Morals.

SACKMAN, H., Computers, System Science, and Evolving Society. (1)

SAKHAROV, A. D., "Thoughts on Progress, Peaceful Co-Existence and Intellectual Freedom," New York Times, Jul. 22, 1968, pp. 1, 14-16; "Letter to Brezhnev," Newsweek, April 13, 1970. All Highly Recommended.

SANSOM, G. B., 7apan; A Short Cultural History; The Western World and Japan.

SARTRE, J. P., Being and Nothingness.

SAXON, D. S., Elementary Quantum Mechanics. (3)

SCHLICK, M., Problems of Ethics. (1)

SCHROEDINGER, E. C., Science, Theory and Man, and What is Life.

SCHWEITZER, A., An Anthology; J. S. Bach; Goethe: Five Studies; Philosophy of Civilization; Teaching of Reverence for Life.

SEMAT, H., Introduction to Nuclear and Atomic Physics. (2)

SHKLOVSKII, I. S. and SAGAN, C., Intelligent Life in the Universe.

SIMPSON, G., The Major Features of Evolution. Highly Recommended.

SIMPSON, G., et. al., Life: An Introduction to Biology.

SNOW, C. P., The Two Cultures and a Second Look (Mentor).

SOKOLNIKOFF, I. S. and REDHEFFER, R. M., Mathematics for Physicists and Modern Engineering. (3)

SOLOMON, H., Mathematical Thinking in the Measurement of Behavior.


SOMMERVILLE, D. M. Y., The Geometry of N Dimensions, (3); NonEuclidean Geometry. (3)

SPENGLER, O., The Decline of the West.

SPINOZA, B. de, Works of Spinoza, Vols. I and II, (Dover), Highly Recommended.

STERN, C., Human Genetics, znd Ed. (1) Highly Recommended.

STERNGLASS, E. J., "The Death of All Children," Esquire, Sept. 1969; and "Infant Mortality and Nuclear Tests," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, April 1969.

STROVE, O., Stellar Evolution.

SULLIVAN, W., "Kapitsa for lil.S.-Soviet Convergence," New York Times, Oct. 9, 1969.

SUZUKI, D. T., Essays in Zen Buddhism.

TAYLOR, A. E., Elements of Metaphysics. (1)

TAYLOR, R., Metaphysics. (1)

TEILHARD de CHARDIN, P., The Phenomenon of Man, Highly Recommended; The Future of Man; Letters from a Traveler; The Divine Milieu; Hymn of the Universe, and The Appearance of Man.

THODAY, J. M. and GIBSON, J. B., "Environmental and Genetical Contributions to Class Differences," Science, Feb. 1970.

TITIEV, M., Science of Man.

TOYNBEE, A., A Study of History.

TROTSKY, L., A History of the Russian Revolution.

TRUMAN, OTTO and TOWLE, Modern Biology. (1)

ULETT, G. A., and GOODRICH, D. W., A Synopsis of Modern Psychology.

VAN DER HAAG, E., The Jewish Mystique.

VON NEUMANN, J., Theory of Self Reproducing Automata (3); The Computer and the Brain.

VULIKH, B. Z., Introduction to Functional Analysis. (3)

WADLE, K., Differential Geometry. (2)

WATSON, J. D., Molecular Biology of the Gene. (2)

WATTS, A., The Way of Zen.

WEICHERT, C. M., Anatomy of the Chordates. (1)

WEIL, ZINBERG, and NELSON, "The Clinical and Psychological Effects of Marijuana," Science, December 13, 1968.

WEIZMANN, C., Trial and Error.

WELLS, H. G., An Outline of History.

WEST, E. S. and TODD, W. R., Textbook of Biochemistry. (3)

WHITEHEAD, A. N., Science and the Modern World, (1); Process and Reality, (1); Adventures of Ideas, (1); and Dialogues.

WHYTE, L. L., The Next Development in Man.

WHYTE, W. H., The Organization Man.

WIENER, N., The Human Use of Human Beings, (1); God and Golem Inc.; and Cybernetics. (3)

WITTGENSTEIN, L., Tractatus Logico-Philosophucus, (3); A Lecture on Ethics, (3); Philosophical Investigations, (3); Zettel, (3) . All highly Recommended.

WOLFE, B. D., Three Who Made a Revolution (Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin ) .

THE BIBLE (King James Version).

"Marijuana and Performance," Science News, February 21, 1970.

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© John David Garcia, 1971, All rights Reserved.