Psychofraud and Ethical Therapy


ABERRANT - Descriptive term applied to actions or things which deviate from what is considered normal and proper by the person(s) applying the term.

ART - A process for increasing truth by a symbolic communication of complex patterns directly to the unconscious mind.

ASYMPTOTIC - A process by which something gets ever closer to something else but never reaches it.

BEHAVIOR - Divided into subjective and objective behavior. Subjective behavior refers to actions observable only by the person behaving, e.g., thinking. Objective behavior refers to actions observable by more than one person, e.g., speaking.

BEHAVIORISM - A system of psychology and psychotherapy which states that all models of behavior must be based entirely on measurable objective behavior. This system denies the existence of subjective behavior. Behaviorism has been effective in predicting and controlling simple animal and human behavior. It has not been shown to increase creativity significantly.

BIOMASS - The totality of all living creatures which inhabit the earth at any given instant. Sometimes called the instantaneous biosphere.

BUREAUCRACY - An organization which destroys truth by seeking to destroy all means of detecting its errors and shortcomings. A bureaucracy operates without utilizing feedback and self correction. Whatever its de jure purposes, a bureaucracy's de facto purpose is limited to enhancing the security of its members.

CERTAINTY - A state of mind in which no doubt exists about some cause-and-effect relationships. It is unethical to be certain about anything except the existence of our own thoughts and perceptions, which are not cause-and-effect relationships. The need for certainty may be the fatal blow in human nature. Through Ethical Therapy, humanity can learn to cope with the insecurity of uncertainty. One cannot learn when one is certain.

CONSCIOUS - Refers to that state of mind in which we can predict and control our own throughts and perceptions. The conscious mind is the set of all our predictable and controllable thoughts and perceptions.

CONTROL - The deliberate causal formation of a predicted set of events. The only common denominator in evolution is an increasing ability to predict and control the total environment. To control an event is to cause it to behave as we wish. The event can include our own thoughts or any external action in the physical, biological or psychosocial environment.

CREATIVITY - he ability to organize the total environment—physical, biological and psychosocial— into new patterns which increase the collective ability of all ethical persons to predict and control their total environment, while not decreasing this ability for any ethical person. Creativity is a direct function of intelligence and ethics.

C ~ IE

Where: C = Creativity in quanta of knowledge generated per unit time. Range: minus infinity to plus infinity.

I = Intelligence in quanta of knowledge controlled per unit time. Range: zero to infinity.

E = Ethics a dimensionless quantity between -1 and + 1 representing the fraction of time spent decreasing truth (negative) or increasing truth (positive).

~ indicates an approximation.

DESTRUCTIVENESS - The disorganization of the total environment into patterns which decrease the ability of any or all ethical persons to predict and control their total environment — physical, biological and psychosocial. Negative creativity.

DISEASE - Any condition of an organism acquired through heredity or environment which decreases its intelligence, i.e., ability to predict its total environment—physical, biological and psychosocial.

EDUCATION - Any process which increases objective truth for any organism, i.e., any process which increases any organism's ability to predict and control by increasing or altering the information content of the organism.

EMOTION - A preprogrammed pattern of behavior, which predisposes an organism to behave aggressively, fearfully, lovingly, or in some combination of these patterns. The basic emotions are inborn and instinctive but can be modified by learning.

ENTROPY - A condition of chaos and disorder as well as a force which increases the chaos and disorder in the universe. Whatever decreases objective truth increases entropy and vice-versa.

ENVIRONMENT - The total environment has three primary dimensions—the physical, biological and psychosocial. The physical includes all matter, natural laws and their interactions. The biological includes all living organisms. The psychosocial includes all the behavior of all living organisms.

ETHICAL - Behavior is ethical if and only if it increases objective truth over all time and space. A person is ethical if the net effect of his actions is to increase objective truth. An ethical person may occasionally behave unethically.

ETHICAL INTELLIGENCE - The ability to predict and control the total environment creatively.

ETHICAL STATE - A social and political system dedicated and structured to maximize the expansion of objective truth. This is the transition society between our current social and political system and the Moral Society.

ETHICAL THERAPY - A process for increasing creative intelligence by increasing ethics. The immediate objective is to reorient the ethical perspective of the person so that he uses the criterion of what maximizes objective truth in making every decision and relating to other persons. This process also eliminates neuroses and emotional blockages to creative behavior. It is not effective with psychotics or with unethical persons.

ETHICS - Rules of optimal behavior which simultaneously maximize our ability to achieve all logically consistent goals. It can be shown logically and scientifically that rules of behavior are optimal if and only if they satisfy the criterion of maximizing objective truth.

EVIL - Any action or thing which causes a net decrease in objective truth.

EVOLUTION - A process which increases the intelligence in the universe. The only common denominator in the evolutionary process is the increasing ability of the biomass to predict and control its total environment. When intelligence can predict and control itself, it has become ethical. Man is the only species known which can predict and control its own intelligence. This manifests itself in all creative behavior and cultural evolution.

GENERALIST (Scientific Generalist) - A person who has a broad understanding of all the knowledge of his or her contemporaries. The generalist is capable of predicting and controlling all aspects of the total environment—physical, biological and psychosocial — to the same degree. (See Specialist) A generalist may have as much or more depth than a specialist in any area. A scientific generalist has depth in all fields of science. A person with no depth in science may be a generalist, but he is generally ignorant.

GOOD - Any action or thing which causes a net increase in objective truth.

HAPPINESS - A state of mind in which a person believes that his desires are being fulfilled. When the desires being fulfilled are stronger than the desires unfulfilled, the net effect is happiness. When the converse is the case, the net effect is unhappiness.

HEALTH - The physical and mental condition conducive to predicting controlling the total environment. Whatever diminishes our ability to predict and control the total environment diminishes our health. When this occurs through physiological change, such as a broken leg, then it is our physical health that is diminished. When this occurs through a change in the information content of our mind, then it is mental health that has been diminished and we say that the person is neurotic. When there is a combination of deleterious physiological and information changes in the nervous system, the person may become psychotic. The best objective indicator of health is creativity. Unethical persons are neither healthy nor creative.

HETEROSEXUAL - A type of behavior in which an organism shows a clear preference for the companionship of the opposite sex in general and seeks to mate with the opposite sex in particular. The bulk of the scientific evidence is that this type of behavior is primarily biologically determined, although it can be modified by conditioning.

HOMOSEXUAL - A type of behavior in which an organism shows a preference for the companionship of members of its own sex in general and seeks to mate with its own sex in particular. The bulk of the scientific evidence is that this type of behavior is determined primarily by biology but that it may be modified by conditioning.

HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY - An eclectic, ill-defined system of psychology based on the theories of Abraham Maslow. The basic assumption is that there is a hierarchy of human needs — security, love, self-esteem and self-actualization. Persons cannot progress satisfactorily to satisfying higher needs if lower needs are unsatisfied. A healthy person is self-actualizing. This school has gone far beyond Maslow and now embraces every conceivable form of psychofraud from witchcraft to sex therapy. In its most extreme forms, humanistic psychology does not distinguish between healthy and aberrant behavior. Anything which causes happiness and no unhappiness is regarded as "good."

IATROGENIC - Refers to harm or illness brought about by improper medical treatment.

IDEOLOGY - Any process or system of beliefs which claims to be able to predict and control some or all aspects of the total environment without showing scientifically that this is in fact the case. Ideologies are based on faith and are emotionally defended against any scientific contradiction. They include religion, witchcraft, Marxism and all forms of psychofraud in general.

IGNORANCE - A lack of important correct information within the nervous system of an organism.

IMMORAL - A type of behavior in which all actions either decrease objective truth, i.e., are destructive, or are trivial. A person becomes immoral if and only if he sees happiness as the only purpose of life and cares nothing for objective truth. The more intelligent an immoral person is the more destructive he will be. Immoral persons never behave ethically again once they become immoral.

IMPORTANT - Refers to anything which significantly either increases or decreases objective truth.

INFORMATION - The symbolic representation of events and their relationships. Information is an essential component of intelligence. An entity devoid of information is devoid of intelligence.

INTELLIGENCE - The ability to predict and control the total environment — physical, biological and psychosocial. Intelligence seems to be primarily an organic phenomenon which is modified by environmental factors, specifically the information acquired. When true information is incorporated into intelligence, it is called "knowledge. "

KNOWLEDGE - Information which enables or increases the ability of an organism to predict and control its total environment, i.e., information which is true and increases intelligence and health. Knowledge cannot exist independently of intelligence. A book contains information. Only an intelligent organism has knowledge.

LOVE - Refers to a type of behavior as well as to an emotion. As an emotion it is a preprogrammed state of mind which predisposes us to behave in such a way as to enhance the welfare of another even at the cost of our own welfare. When welfare is seen as synonymous with happiness, then love is perverse and unethical. When welfare is seen as synonymous with creative intelligence, then love is natural and ethical. Ethical love can exist without emotion, as when a person makes a deliberate rational choice to maximize objective truth as an end in itself and increases the creative intelligence of others as a necessary means toward this end. Emotional love can be ethical as in the case of protective nurturing and maternal instincts. Emotional love is easy to pervert as in the case of sadomasochists and also of parents who sacrifice objective truth for the happiness of their children.

MACHINE - A manufactured device which converts one form of energy into another. Language, drugs, tools, telescopes, computers, radios, clothing, organizations and houses are all examples of machines. The increasing ability to make and use machines is the basis of human evolution. Machines are amplifiers of intelligence.

MIND - The set of all our thoughts and perceptions. Insofar as thoughts and perceptions are predictable and controllable, the mind is conscious. Insofar as thoughts are unpredictable and uncontrollable, the mind is unconscious. We know with certainty only the existence of our own minds. We infer from the behavior of other organisms and our own behavior and minds that other organisms have minds similar to our own insofar as they behave similarly to us. From this inference we can develop a mind model of behavior which can be objectively shown to enable us to predict and control behavior. The mind model is analogous to the model of gravity. We cannot perceive directly the existence of gravity, but it is a model which enables us to predict and control.

MORAL - A type of behavior in which all actions either increase objective truth or are trivial. A person becomes moral if and only if he sees the maximal expansion of objective truth as the only purpose of life and is indifferent to anyone's happiness, including his own. The more intelligent a moral person is, the more creative he will be. A moral person never behaves unethically again after becoming moral. Moral persons are devoid of emotions. They behave lovingly toward ethical persons, but this is not a preprogrammed pattern of behavior but a logical consequence of their desire to maximize objective truth.

MORAL SENSE - The genetically determined program, apparently unique to the human species, which makes man value truth above happiness. The Moral Sense is easily perverted into self-righteousness and intolerance by unethical persons who may believe they have already found truth.

MORAL SOCIETY - A social union of moral persons united by ethical love into a collective intelligence with the single purpose of maximizing the expansion of creative intelligence throughout the universe.

MYSTICISM - Any systematic attempt to obtain truth through direct insight independently of scientific evidence and processes. Mystical truth is always of subjective origin. When mystical insights are supported by scientific evidence, then the mystical truth has become objective. There is no conflict between mysticism and science as long as mystical insights are not held to represent a higher reality than objective truth. It is in the nature of mysticism that its adherents tend to substitute subjective truth for objective truth and in the process become practitioners of psychofraud. All the major religions and the traditional ethical and psychotherapeutic systems seem to have a mystical basis. Objective evolutionary ethics and Ethical Therapy have a strictly scientific basis.

NEUROSES - Learned patterns of behavior which decrease a person's ability to predict and control his total environment. Uncontrollable emotionalism is not necessarily neurotic unless it has been caused by some learned experience; e.g., persons who are filled with hate for some particular ethnic group are neurotic because it is necessary to learn to hate a whole ethnic group, and this behavior decreases creative intelligence. Because neurotic behavior is learned behavior it is susceptible to modification by all types of psychofraud as well as Ethical Therapy.

"THE NEW MAGIC" - A synthesis between mysticism, psychotherapy, hedonism and some scientific facts.

ORGANIZATION - A group of persons united by a set of commonly held and accepted purposes and rules of behavior. When an organization is ethical, it increases objective truth for all ethical persons. When it is unethical, it becomes a bureaucracy and destroys objective truth as a means of increasing the security and happiness of its members.

PERSONALITY - A subset of "intelligence" which determines what will be predicted and controlled and the resolve to accomplish its ends.

PERSONAL MORALITY (Personal Ethics) - The desire to expand our own personal creative intelligence without decreasing the creative intelligence of any person.

PERVERSE - Refers to any behavior which increases or seeks to increase happiness without increasing objective truth. A pervert is a person who systematically increases his own happiness without increasing anyone's creative intelligence, including his own.

PREDICT AND CONTROL - Refers to the essential property of intelligent organisms by which events are foreseen and made to comply with the organism's needs and desires. The ability to predict cannot exist independently of the ability to control and vice-versa. Although man could predict astronomical events long before he could control them (as in the case of artificial satellites), he could not have predicted any astronomical events if he could not have controlled his observational procedures by controlling his own biological sensors (eyes, ears, etc.) and the creation of amplifiers of his sensors, such as clocks, calendars and telescopes. Any event which is controlled is by definition predicted. Therefore, control is a higher property of intelligence than prediction, although each property is essential to the other. See definitions of Prediction and of Control.

PREDICTION - The activity of correctly imagining an event before it is objectively perceived. The ability to predict precedes the ability to control and is essential to the evolutionary process.

PROGRESS - Anything which increases creative intelligence represents a progressive force. Progress is the process of expanding objective truth within the universe and is synonymous with evolution.

PSYCHOFRAUD - An ideology about human behavior. Any model which purports to predict and control human behavior and cannot be sciientifically verified is psychofraud. Examples of psychofraud are found in all religions, political ideologies, and forms of psychotherapy.

PSYCHOSIS - Compulsive destructive behavior. An extreme form of neurosis which involves organic factors. These predispose the psychotic to acquire information which grossly distorts reality. Corrective treatment is ineffective unless the basic organic factors have also been corrected. Many forms of psychotic behavior are at least partially corrected with vitamins and drugs.

PSYCHOTHERAPY - A process for replacing information which decreases a person's ability to predict and control his total environment with information which increases his ability to predict and control his total environment. Psychotherapy is a special type of education and does not necessarily include the use of drugs or surgery, although these techniques can also change behavior and possibly even increase creativity. The best criterion for the success of psychotherapy is an increase in the net creativity of the person. Most of the treatments called psychotherapy seem to consist mainly of psychofraud.

PROGRAMMING - The encoding of information into a system. Human beings are totally programmed by heredity and their environment.

RATIONAL - Any action or thing which is logically self-consistent and does not involve internal contradictions. In the real world things are only relatively rational, since almost every model and person has some internal contradictions, although they may not be apparent. This results mainly from a lack of scientific knowledge, not necessarily poor logic. Newton's model of the universe was more rational than that of Aristotle but less rational than that of Einstein, although all these models were highly rational in relationship to the more popular models of their day.

REALITY - That which we can (1) predict and control or (2) know that we can neither predict nor control. Our thoughts and perceptions are always real but not the models we create about what causes our thoughts and perceptions. Only that which is true is real. Only models which enable us to predict and control are true.

RELIGION - Any ideology which seeks to explain the basic causes and purposes of the universe and stresses means for predicting and controlling our thoughts and perceptions beyond the limits of our lives. In religion, the most important truths are assumed to be known and new "truths" are accepted only insofar as they support the basic assumptions. Religions are created in an ethical attempt to create a coherent model of the universe and man's relationship to it. Religions become evil only because they are closed systems which do not accept information contradicting the basic ideology. It is the Moral Sense which continuously causes man to seek the one true religion. It is the immoral sense which makes him believe he has found it.

SANITY - That property of mind which permits it to cope rationally with problems and to see things as they objectively exist.

SCIENCE (Scientific Method) - A process for expanding objective truth. It is based on the notion that all models of cause-and-effect relationships are assumed to be probably false until proven true by controlled experiments. No model is ever assumed to be beyond doubt. It is assumed that every model of cause-and-effect relationships can always be improved.

SCIENTIFIC ILLITERATE - A person who has little or no scientific knowledge, i.e., knowledge obtained through the scientific method. In general, a person who has no systematic knowledge of mathematics physical science or biology is a scientific illiterate. In general, scientific illiterates are victims and practitioners of psychofraud. Specialized scientists tend to succumb to ideology in those parts of the environment about which they have little or no scientific knowledge. Since there is so little scientific knowledge of the psychosocial environment, this is the major area of ideology and psychofraud. All persons tend to create the illusion that they can predict and control their total environment. Therefore, they fill their minds with psychofraud and ideology when they are not scientific generalists.


SECURITY - A state of mind in which a person believes he has or can readily obtain everything he needs and has no fear of losing what he already has. Security is an idealized state which no one ever fully reaches except by self-delusion or by becoming moral. Neuroses as well as psychoses may develop in a deluded attempt to become moral.

SICKNESS (See Disease)

SOCIAL MORALITY (Social Ethics) - The desire to expand the creative intelligence of other persons without decreasing any person's creative intelligence including our own.

SOCIAL SCIENCE - Any of the numerous attempts to develop scientific models of human behavior, e.g., economics, psychology and sociology. In fact, most social science models are psychofraud which have never been objectively shown to predict and control human behavior.

SOUL - The notion of "soul" is logically equivalent to the notion of "mind," the difference being that the concept of soul is usually tied to supernatural cause-and-effect relationships which are ideologically based and represent psychofraud. The concept of mind can be completely scientific but may involve psychofraud, as in psychoanalysis.

SPECIALIST - A person who has learned about one limited aspect of the total environment at the expense of remaining extremely ignorant of the rest of the environment. The specialist is distinguished from the generalist not by what he knows but by what he does not know. A generalist may have as much depth as the specialist in his own speciality.

TOTAL ENVIRONMENT - Includes all that can be perceived or conceived. It includes the (1) physical — matter, energy and all their interrelationships; (2) biological — all forms of life, their structures and interrelationships; (3) psychosocial — all manifestations of mind, behavior and their interrelationships.

TRIVIAL - Refers to activity or things which neither increase nor decrease objective truth. This is an idealized situation which exists mainly as an approximation of reality. In fact, it can probably be shown that almost any action will produce either a net ethical or unethical effect.

TRUTH - Refers only to working descriptions and models of events and their relationships. A model of cause-and-effect relationships is true only insofar as it enables us to predict and control. Truth is subjective insofar as we believe that we can predict and control. Subjective truth, or intuition, is often the first step of developing objective truth but until verified may include many false insights and concepts. Psychofraud can engender subjective truth. Only science engenders objective truth.

UNCONSCIOUS - Refers to those thoughts and perceptions which we can neither predict nor control. Uncontrollable emotions, post-hypnotic suggestions and forgotten events which are spontaneously remembered are examples of unconscious processes. Creative endeavor seems to involve considerable unconscious as well as conscious activity.

UNETHICAL - Refers to behavior or persons which decrease objective truth and are destructive. A person is unethical if the net effect of his actions decreases creative intelligence. An unethical person may occasionally behave ethically, although this becomes infrequent with time once a person has become unethical.

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© John David Garcia, 1974, All rights Reserved.